Windows 11 slowed down many SSDs and HDDs with a faulty implementation of the USN (Update Sequence Number) which is a part of the Filesystem NTFS (a way of saving and retrieving data on the disk). Continue reading

Windows 11 slowed down many SSDs and HDDs with a faulty implementation of the USN (Update Sequence Number) which is a part of the Filesystem NTFS (a way of saving and retrieving data on the disk). Continue reading
Office 2013 simply decided to stop working one day, leaving me with a Office document and a Excel file i urgently needed to access and edit.
What to do?
With this small registry file you’re able to extend your Windows XP upgrade time to get updates till the year 2019.
This tricks Microsoft into thinking that you run a corporate XP that is intended for banking systems and
payment terminals, which get extended support and updates for another 5 years!
Why do some applications and games insist on a predefined Windows version?
As time passes and no current games are worth to be played, i resort to playing some of my old games that
i loved for their good gameplay and not for their high end graphics, which current games seem to rely on.
No virusscanner at hand and your computer catched a nasty virus or malware?
Microsoft Malicius Software Removal Tool or short MSRT is a neat tool to scan for and remove malicious software including (Blaster, Sasser, Mydoom and many others).
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If your Office 2013 and Office 365 breaks or starts to behave strangely,
the best way to fix it is normally uninstalling and reinstalling the whole
But every now and then, an app is messing around, not only with Office, but also
with the install/uninstall process.
If this ever happens, you could find yourself in a situation, where you neither
can uninstall, nor install Microsoft Office.
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