Tag Archives: bugfix

Debugging Patch for Windows 11

Windows 11 causes freezes in RadStudio 11.1 and Delphi 11.1

Under certain circumstances, Delphi 11.1 freezes under Windows 11 while debugging.

This seems to be casued by a function called GetThreadWaitChain which seems to hang when there is a socket or IO open.

This new patch will hopefuly fix this issue.

Download it on your MyEmbarcadero page:

Or download it with GetIT from inside your IDE

RadStudio and Delphi 11.1 just became available

The RadStudio and Delphi 11.1 version just got released

It doesn’t include that many groundbreaking and exciting new features, but still has some nice things and many many bugfixes added.

Download it from here:

ISO Offline File
Online Installer

Here are the included new features aswell as the many bugfixes:


11 Alexandria – Release 1


Updated RAD Studio 11.1 Alexandria release available (March 15th, 2022).

RAD Studio 11 Alexandria – Release 1 (also known as 11.1) is available for installation. RAD 11.1 builds on the feature set of 11, enhancing existing features throughout the product and adding new capabilities. Delphi 11, C++Builder 11 and RAD Studio 11 are available to download to any active Update Subscription customer.

RAD Studio 11.1 has a strong focus on quality improvements. Key quality focus areas include:

  • IDE
  • Remote Desktop
  • Delphi and C++ Compilers
  • C++ Toolchain
  • Delphi LSP
  • C++ LSP
  • Delphi RTL
  • VCL
  • FireMonkey
  • Data
  • Internet

Key Enhancements by product area in 11.1

IDE Enhancements

General IDE Improvements

  • The “Start working” operation after the installation is completed effectively restarts the IDE, so that the first execution will be done with user permissions, instead of elevated permissions.
  • ‘Enable runtime themes’ is now turned on in the Base configuration of a project.
  • The ProjectRoot in a dproj/cbproj file should always sort consistently.
  • The IDE Wait dialog’s ToolsAPI interface has had some parameters renamed to better reflect their functionality
  • The ‘New Edit Window’ menu item is now disabled when a view does not support cloning. This includes the Welcome Page, which can’t be duplicated or dragged out to another window.
  • The Options > Saving and Desktop page has been split into two new pages:
    • Saving and Recovering (contains auto-recover and auto-save options)
    • Desktop and Layout (contains the remainder of the options.)
  • You can now change the colors used for errors, warnings and hints in the Messages view in the Options dialog. You can set different colors for each IDE theme, i.e. set different colors for light and dark or other themes.

Build log.png

  • We added Styling support to some minor dialogs used by the IDE, such as asking the user to confirm or warn about overwriting files, checking for Unicode project names, and using an invalid codepage.
  • The issue where a project file might have an inconsistent sort order in the deployed files, meaning it will change without its meaningful content changing is fixed.
  • The default C++ console app has been improved, and creating a console app is now a fast shortcut on the File > New (and Create New) menus for both C++ and Delphi.
  • A small number of items from the IDE Fix Pack have been integrated.
    • The IDE toolbars such as editing toolbars.
    • Missing scrollbars in the Options dialog pages.
    • Object Inspector rendering glitches.
    • The IDE and code editor went blank when debugging.
    • Special keys (such as Windows key) in the FMX form designer text input.
    • The list mode in the Projects view.
    • A variety of exceptions and many more.
  • The New Items dialog shows platforms for all items.

Compile dialog.png

  • The New dialog where you can add items to your project hides items based on the project’s active platform.
  • The New dialog also supports multiple view styles, rather than just a vertical list (card, list, icons, and small icons.)
  • The New Items dialog now uses the TControlList VCL control, which improves scrolling.
  • The Compile dialog shows the platform and builds configuration and prioritizes Errors before Warnings and Hints.

New items.png

IDE High DPI quality

  • Data modules now save the PixelsPerInch property when its value is 96, the default. This is also the case for VCL forms.
  • Dynamically created frames are now scaling correctly when designed in high DPI.

Welcome Page

  • The Welcome Page now supports background images. Selecting an image will scale it to fit the Welcome Page area. The aspect ratio is preserved, meaning the left/right or top/bottom sides of the image may be offscreen so long as the other axis fits the Welcome Page size.
  • There is a new page in the IDE Options dialog for Welcome Page settings, including the background (which can be set per theme) and closing it when opening a project. You can also access this page from the Layout Editor.
  • Welcome Page frames are now transparent by default. The wallpaper you set will be partially transparent through them. The transparency amount is one of the Welcome Page metrics available in the ToolsAPI.
  • Spacing between frames and the upper and lower edges of the Welcome Page has been very slightly tweaked.

ToolsAPI support!

The Welcome Page now has full support for creating Welcome Page frames using the ToolsAPI! Our own frames use the same API, meaning that anything our frames can do, yours also can.

We provide two Welcome Page demos showing simple and advanced usage, which are available on our public Github.

In its simplest form, you can create a TFrame descendant and display it with a caption. That frame can contain anything you want. However, we have more complex functionality that you can also make use of:

  • Frame captions can contain custom UI chrome (implemented via a second frame), as you can see for some of ours, such as the Open Recent frame (buttons) and Create frame (toggling between Delphi and C++)
  • Our frames use a MVC pattern, and load data in a background thread. You can use our own implementation, including using the same frame and list views that ours are built with. This means you can get the same behavior and look and feel without mimicking our setup, including in future if changes are made to the default layout, sizes, etc.

GetIt Dialog Improvements

  • The GetIt dialog box has been redesigned, maintaining a similar UI, but adopting a ControlList component for the list of packages. This has a noticeable effect on performance
  • RAD Studio now caches the package icons in GetIt, reducing the time for re-opening the dialog
  • There is a new option to ignore patches in GetIt, so you can skip the installation of a patch but stop the notification of the pending patch.

Compilers and Toolchains Improvements

Both Delphi and C++


In both Delphi and C++, the Windows linkers now offer better support for platform security configurations: For Delphi:

  • These features were already available as compiler/linker flags:
    • {$SetPEOptFlags $40} for DEP/NX or the matching ‑‑peflags option

For C++:

  • Use the -GE: linker option to turn these flags on or off:
 **-GE:option|0xNNNN[=on|off] Set DLL characteristics flags
HIGHENTROPYVA is ASLR; NXCOMPAT is DEP/NX; and TSAWARE is for Terminal Server.

For both Delphi and C++:

  • Enabling these settings is now the default
  • We build redistributable binaries (like package BPL files) with the security configurations enabled

Delphi Debugger for macOS ARM and Android

We have a new debugger when running macOS applications on an Apple ARM device. This debugger is not used if you are using an Intel machine.

This new debugger is a recent build of LLDB, and its key technology is a Delphi parser that understands a subset of Delphi syntax. (For example, it understands Delphi expressions, though you cannot define a new class. It should understand enough Delphi for all debugger expressions you need to use.) This syntax should be truly Delphi-like: case-insensitive, and able to evaluate complex expressions in Delphi syntax.

We have also enabled this debugger for Android 64-bit. This debugger is much less likely to cause ‘disconnected’ errors or freezes.

C++ Compiler and toolchain

  • The default constructor for UnicodeString is now no longer inline, which should help if you do not want to step into the constructor when debugging and invoking a function that returns a string.
  • AnsiStringT has the System:: namespace prefix
  • Many intrinsics headers (xmmintrin.h, etc.) should now be available
  • The C++ RTL has a breaking change this release, meaning that C++ libraries must be rebuilt in 11.1 (i.e., don’t link against object files or .lib-s built with 11.0.) This change relates to handling handles correctly for Win64. Some internal RTL structures were not widened in the past, resulting in possible handle truncation; they are now wide enough.
  • More intrinsics (e.g. SSE-AVX) are now shipped with our RTL.
  • System::DynamicArray contains some STL members for iteration, such as begin().
  • Several String functions that were in helpers in Delphi are now available from C++.
  • The IDE had an issue where the linking paths meant that the linker would find the classic debug libraries (if provided) before the clang release binaries. This means that if you delivered debug builds of your component or library and supported both compilers, then your customers would end up linking against the version from the wrong compilers. It has now been resolved.
  • A wide variety of compiler bugs in the debugger (especially Win64) and debug info have been improved; using a TDS file in release mode; tweaks to locale, and many other RTL and STL areas; lots of improvements to import libraries; fixes to coff2omf for the generated OMF libraries, etc.

LSP Improvements (Delphi and C++)

Delphi LSP

  • DelphiLSP has a significant focus on quality and speed, and 11.1 brings some considerable performance improvements.
  • The key change is that the new higher performance work applies to all project types including packages.
  • Exception info is displayed again in Help Insight.
  • Line number information is now available in HelpInsight for arrays and sets
  • Pressing Ctrl-Shift-Down inside an inactive macro/ifdef jumped to the implementation of the next method declared
  • Ctrl-click navigation now works with aliased generic types. For example, if IntArray is a TArray<Integer>, control-clicking on IntArray will take you to the location with the TArray<Integer> type declaration, not to the location of TArray<> in System.pas.
  • An issue where ctrl-shift-up/down navigation did not work correctly when there were include directives in the unit has been fixed
  • Error Insight did not work when the project was using files that were located on a different drive to the project
  • Normal projects will now load much faster. The technique we use to load a project has been significantly changed with much less parsed, and DelphiLSP should finish loading a project and respond to requests much more quickly.
  • Error Insight results will now update much more quickly. You can expect a 5 to 30x speed increase here as well. The most dramatic improvement is seen for units with many dependencies (lots of other units used.)

Other improvements include:

  • Better handling of macros (defines) so that toggling between the implementation and declaration of a method works better when there are IFDEFs, as will code completion in class declarations.
  • Macros (defines) will also be found if they are declared in an included file, affecting the above.
  • When declaring a property, code completion will suggest getters and setters.
  • Code completion will show set types.
  • Type parameters will be shown in code completion in a class declaration, including generic types (e.g., T) in a generic declaration.
  • Parameter tooltips/help can be shown when instantiating generic types.
  • Code completion showed some TObject-specific completions, like AfterConstruction, when completing inside a record declaration; this has been resolved.

C++ and cquery

Cpp options.png

In the new LSP Behavior tab, we have two options that control how the cquery LSP server indexes files, which is how it stores the info it uses to fulfill code completion, navigation, etc. Restart server each time a project is activated and Index only files that are opened in the editor.

Note: Indexing can be very CPU intensive and you usually cannot use Code Insight until it’s complete. Note that restarting the server, such as when platforms are changed, also clears the index.

Other improvements include:

  • Code completion items are displayed in the order that cquery returns them, which is scope order, unless you turn on Alpha Sort (off by default.)
  • Indexing should be on by default in the Project Options for all C++ projects.
  • You can now code complete in header files that are not directly part of the project (e.g., not part of a cpp/header unit pair.)
  • Changing project options or the active platform will restart the server to match the new project settings.
  • The server now knows when a file has been saved and will update correctly. This is important for new files, because in this build Code Insight won’t function until the file exists on disk.

Other C++ features:

  • The IDE waits correctly until the server is ready.
  • You can code complete in a project’s main source file.

Performance Improvements

  • Code completion displays in two seconds or less, no matter the size of the project. Note that when invoking code completion in the global scope with a VCL project, there are over eighty thousand items returned.

Libraries Improvements

To help sharing code among projects build with FMX and VCL, we added framework specific predefined symbols:

  • FRAMEWORK_VCL – this predefined variable is set to true if the project uses the VCL framework
  • FRAMEWORK_FMX – this predefined variable is set to true if the project uses the FireMonkey (FMX) framework

Delphi RTL

Optimization Work

  • In terms of Delphi RTL we did some work in terms of performance optimization.
  • We also included improvements to _CopyArray, _IntToStr64, _IntToStr32, InitInstance, InvokeRecordInitializer, _FinalizeRecord, _UStrAsg (including purepascal version), _LStrAsg, _LStrLAsg, AnsiLowerCase / AnsiUpperCase, and TStringHelper.IndexOf.

New TURLStream class

  • There is a new stream class, TURLStream, and a general base class: TAsyncStream is a new base class for async streams, inherited from TMemoryStream; TURLStream is an async stream supporting URL paths, inherited from TAsyncStream.
  • TAsyncStream.Create starts APopulate in the background thread. Until it is finished, any TStream methods call on TAsyncStream will be blocked. An application can:
    • Use IAsyncResult to wait/check TAsyncStream population completion. TAsyncStream supports IAsyncResult.
    • Provide AProvide anonymous method, which is called when the population is finished.
  • TURLStream constructor extends the base class constructor, and it is declared as follows:

constructor TURLStream.Create(const AURL: string;

 const AProvide: TAsyncStream.TStreamer;
 ASynchronizeProvide, AFreeOnCompletion: Boolean);
  • TURLStream inherits the behavior of the TAsyncStream base class, but internally it uses THttpClient or TFileStream, depending on the URL schema.
  • TAsyncStream defines the following public methods: Destroy, AfterConstruction, Read, Write, Seek, SetSize(Int64), SetSize(Longint), SaveToStream.
  • TURLStream defines the following public methods: Destroy, RegisterSyncReqExexcutor, UnRegisterSyncReqExecutor.

Additional RTL Improvements

  • Support for Windows 11 and Server 2022 in the TOSVersion data structure
  • TURI.ToString takes the port into consideration
  • TMetaFile can now load from a large stream

TMemIniFile and duplicate sections

  • TIniFile was modified to offer better compatibility with the pre-10.3 behavior in case of duplicated sections.


We primarily addressed issues related to recent features, like enhanced TTreeView, TRichEdit, TEdgeBrowser, and TNumberBox.


Improved Android SDK integration

  • We removed dependencies to the android.bat file tool in favor of advmanager and updated the IDe SDK Manager dialog for the Android platform.
  • The DEX compilation and DEX merging are now deferred after the C++/Delphi linking, making compilation without deployment faster.
  • For the Android platform core integration, we added support for Delphi classes that implement Java interfaces with method overloads. This helps address an issue with Android 12 and sensor access (fixing the SensorInfo demo).
  • Delphi classes that implement Java interfaces can now have functions that return Int8, Int16, Int64, Float32 and Float64 values.


  • Improvements to TWebBrowser on Windows (with WebView 2 support), including the ability to change the Windows Engine more than once. The default value of the WindowsEngine property has been changed.
  • The team also addressed resizing and transparency issues with the control. There is also improved WebBrowser ability to work with local files on mobile.

Additional FMX Quality

  • Addressed several Windows HighDPI-related issues.
  • Improved performance of TMessageManager.Unsubscribe.
  • Added Undo to TMemo context menu and addressed the issues with automatic content scrolling.
  • Emoji color improvements for both Android and iOS.
  • Improvements of the Metal GPU driver support on the macOS platform.



  • We made the Field Link Designer pane and New Field Dialog larger and more usable.
  • In order to support Firebird 4 long field names (up to 63 characters), the 31-char limit in the field name in the database RTL has been removed.


  • Implemented Structure View support for FireDAC. Also some of the FireDAC windows offer better High DPI support.
  • Added support for MariaDB 10.6 server with a 10.6 client
  • Added support for SQLite SEE, offering a command line Batch to build SQLite OBJs with C++Builder for FireDAC static binding. The readme file sqlite_see.txt explains the process (this feature was already available for RAD Studio 11.0 via a GetIt plugin).
  • FireDAC improves Firebird 4 driver by providing support for additional data types:
    • INT128
    • NUMERIC with precision 19..38
    • DECFLOAT(16/34)
    • Native statement timeout
  • FireDAC adds support for FireBird 4 pagesize 32768.


WebBroker on Android

  • The WebBroker server applications can now be deployed on an Android device or a developer board (like a RaspBerry Pi running the Android OS). Both on Android 32-bit and 64-bit.


  • We extended the Web.Win.ISAPIThreadPool to allow more than 64 threads. The NumberOfThreads variable type has been changed to Cardinal. The ShutdownTimeout variable (a timeout in milliseconds, which thread pool will wait to finalize all worker threads) has a default value of 2 minutes.

RAD Server

  • Some database structure improvements and provided new matching REST SysAdmin endpoints:
    • GET /sysadmin/log – returns info about LOG table content.
    • POST /sysadmin/log?minTime=<ISO8601 date> – deletes all records from LOG table older than specified date/time.
    • DELETE /sysadmin/log – deletes all records from the LOG table.
    • GET /sysadmin/backup?backupFile=<file path> – creates a specified backup file of emsserver.ib database. The backup file will be on the InterBase server.
    • POST /sysadmin/backup?backupFile=<file path> – restores the emsserver.ib database from the specified backup file. The backup file will be on the InterBase server.
    • GET /sysadmin/validate – performs emsserver.ib database validation and returns the database status.
  • Allow RAD Server users to log in from more than one session simultaneously
  • New deployment feature for RSLite
    • Option in EMS.INI to pick a specific Interbase client library (for embedded or regular DB), with the ClientLib entry in the Data section.
    • There is now a ready-to-use deployment feature for RSLite


  • Added an option to select a client-side certificate in the REST Debugger.
  • The REST Debugger is now DPI-aware.
  • The TCustomRESTRequest class has a new BodyCodePage property, which specifies the request body code page. Some special values are:
    • -1 (the default value) – use the platform default encoding
    • 0 – current active code page
    • 65001 – UTF8.
  • Support switching the region in AmazonAPI

See Also

New features and customer reported issues fixed in RAD Studio 11.1


RAD Studio™️ is the ultimate RAD environment for quickly building high-performance native cross-platform applications in Delphi and modern C++ using integrated toolchains loved by developers.

RAD Studio 11.1 has a strong focus on quality improvements. Key quality focus areas include:

  • IDE
  • Remote Desktop
  • Delphi and C++ Compilers
  • C++ Toolchain
  • Delphi LSP
  • C++ LSP
  • Delphi RTL
  • VCL
  • FireMonkey
  • Data
  • Internet

For a detailed list of new features, please visit the 11 Alexandria – Release 1 page.

Publicly reported bugs fixed in 11.1

RAD Studio 11.1 Alexandria release includes over 400 quality and performance enhancements for publicly reported bugs.

Summary Component/s ExternalID
IPWorks link error clang but not classic 3rd Party RSP-29689
IPWorks fails link 3rd Party, Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-23622
Cannot compile a simple 32Bit Application using Win32 Clang Compiler with Stack [Batch] compilation and precompiled Headers Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-25621
Compiling simple 64 Bit VCL Application failed [batch compilation] Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-29149
Delphi exceptions from Delphi-style classes cause external exception EEFFACE in C++ Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-18040
Empty #warning makes C++ Compiler fail (ICE: Internal compiler error: 0 @ 00000000) Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-35628
Error when change a property in TControl (e.g.Text of TEdit) in lambda function Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-23043
The program fails if an exception is not processed in the current function and it is required to delete local objects (only Clang32) Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-26112
[4361] CameraComponent Sample gives Errors Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-21958
[bcc32x] Preprocessor doesn’t work on IDL file Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-29111
[C++][BCC32] Using TValue with static runtime causes Access Violation Compiler, Compiler\C++, Compiler\C++\BCC RSP-11348
Error: Unresolved external ‘__tpdsc__ Compiler, Compiler\C++, Compiler\C++\CLANG RSP-35203
GetExceptionStackInfoProc is not called in the case of catch Compiler, Compiler\C++, Compiler\C++\CLANG RSP-19028
empty “#warning” CLang compiler error [bcc32c Fehler] Unit4.cpp(1): ICE: Internal compiler error: EEDFADE @ 779FC54F Compiler, Compiler\C++, Compiler\C++\CLANG RSP-16132
Android compiler returns an error when assigning an TAlphaColor reference Compiler, Compiler\C++, Compiler\C++\CLANG, Compiler\C++\CLANG\Delphi interop RSP-32191
UTF8String not working on mobile c++ and major other issues Compiler, Compiler\C++, Compiler\C++\CLANG, Compiler\C++\CLANG\Delphi interop RSP-21291
Wrong parameter names in events for C++ components (used in Clang projects): param_0 instead of Sender… Compiler, Compiler\C++, Compiler\C++\CLANG, Compiler\C++\CLANG\Delphi interop RSP-21807
[ilink32 Error] Error: Unresolved external ‘System::Rtti::TValue __fastcall System::Rtti::TValue::From<System::UnicodeString>(System::UnicodeString)’ referenced from… Compiler, Compiler\C++, Compiler\C++\CLANG, Compiler\C++\CLANG\Delphi interop RSP-24526
The C++ Windows 64-bit LLDB debugger does not stop on exceptions at all Compiler, Compiler\C++, Debugger RSP-35602
Win64|C++] context of current frame not used in “Watch” expressions Compiler, Compiler\C++, Debugger RSP-17006
ParamStr (64bit) looses first backslash with UNC path Compiler, Compiler\C++, IDE RSP-30353
Post-build Event Error if Batch Compilation is enabled .Rio (Tokyo maybe too) Compiler, Compiler\C++, IDE, Linker RSP-21853
Selectdirectory does not work as described in wiki Compiler, Compiler\C++, Linker RSP-36769
c++ TJSONObject AddPair String =true Compiler, Compiler\C++, RTL\C++ RSP-35502
EFileNotFoundException.Create definition changed and breaks C++ Compiler, Compiler\C++, RTL\Delphi RSP-35372
Access denied on opening of OpenPictureDialog in debug mode Compiler, Compiler\C++, VCL RSP-34358
Compiler does not output XML documentation for event types Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-36964
Compiler internal error Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-36240
F2084 Internal Error: AV1198A024(11970000)-W00000001-1 Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-34985
Find Declaration does not work if “Use debug .dcus” is not enabled Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-36846
Inline vars defined as “var set:= []” result in random compiler AV (F2084 with AV0B … or URW1237) Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-33672
Error on Unknown-Attributes not working Compiler, Compiler\Delphi, IDE RSP-32785
Chill Parser] Error Insight still in error Compiler, Compiler\Delphi, IDE RSP-22063
Local variable of type Double corrupted Compiler, Compiler\Delphi, RTL\Delphi RSP-36387
DBNavigator without manifest Data RSP-34552
AWS S3 UploadObject fails if bucket name contains ‘s3’ Data, Data\Cloud RSP-36103
Can not switch the region in AmazonAPI Data, Data\Cloud RSP-36526
Error reading a Amazon S3 bucket that contains files with Unicode chars invalid for XML Data, Data\Cloud RSP-35592
When using TAmazonQueueService region is not affected in url Data, Data\Cloud RSP-36978
Wrong code in AzureAPI Data, Data\Cloud RSP-36448
DBGRID Rowselect image is gone Data, Data\DBCtrls RSP-33872
DBGrid RighToLeft and negative numbers Data, Data\DBCtrls RSP-31337
TDBgrid indicator display a black square Data, Data\DBCtrls RSP-31245
FireDAC: wrong format of a BCD field Data, Data\DBRtl, Data\FireDAC RSP-35545
Uninitialised memory in TExprParser causes invalid exceptions to be raised Data, Data\DBRtl, Data\Midas RSP-36306
Access violation connecting to Ingres database with ODBC/FireDAC in 64-bit applications only Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-34350
Error loading persisted FDMemTable data when nested datasets are present Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-28204
FieldName length in Firebird 4.0 Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-36950
FireDAC uses bad method to decide on equality when comparing two floating point numbers Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-35876
FireDAC.Phys.IBWrapper TIBPageSize add 32768 for Firebird 4 Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-36783
FireDAC.Phys.ODBCMeta DCU incorrect for 64bit Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-36319
FireDac Dialog Login does not appear correctly on the screen Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-35676
FireDac Memory Buffer Corruption with Connection DataType Map Rules Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-37031
FireDac does not Update Small Doubles (randomly) Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-37128
Foreign keyfields raise exception Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-35932
Incorrect record when issuing a Last for a FireDAC table Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-36493
[Firedac]Support for Firebird 4 Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-34162
if Field.value= ,Use LocalSQL Will change Field null Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-34662
In FDConnection file selection, when (re)opening the file dialog, set the directory to the current one Data, Data\FireDAC, IDE RSP-37076
Exception in TVersioninfo.BreakdownServer in IBX.IBServices Data, Data\IBX RSP-36394
TPrototypeBindSource.AutoPost and TBindSourceAdapter.AutoPost convergence Data, Data\LiveBindings RSP-31642
No glyph for TBindNavigator in the VCL form designer Data, Data\LiveBindings, VCL RSP-33419
ClientDataSet Exception at Android Data, Data\Midas RSP-34359
DBX Error “At end of table” on Delete Record after CloneCursor Data, Data\Midas RSP-35862
Exception on Close TClientDataSet Data, Data\Midas RSP-33888
TClientDataSet Append raises a Exception under Android Data, Data\Midas RSP-35878
TClientDataSet foCaseInsensitive in Filter Options Data, Data\Midas RSP-35787
BUG in TRESTRequest when Kind pkGETorPOST Data, Data\REST RSP-35385
Behaviour of adding REST parameters has changed between Delphi 10.4.2 and 11 Data, Data\REST RSP-35365
Restdebugger Oauth-assistant error message Data, Data\REST RSP-36201
TRESTRequest for Post request sends parameter in the URL instead within the body Data, Data\REST RSP-35341
Debug symbols are not loaded for most units if ‘Unit output directory’ is set to non-default value Debugger RSP-33891
Extra space character in debuger parameter at Win64 Debugger RSP-32221
Run To Cursor (F4) in the CPU View window doesn’t work. Debugger RSP-32641
The 64-bit C++ debugger does not update the contents of the FPU window when executing the fpu/mmx code. Debugger RSP-36407
Win64 Debugger show no classname at exception Debugger RSP-32231
Wrong breakpoint positions Debugger, Debugger\Breakpoints, IDE RSP-21443
Debug visualizer doubled, one in light and one in dark mode Debugger, IDE RSP-36301
[Regression] Captions in labels can no longer be viewed in Debugger Debugger, IDE RSP-37198
CameraComponent Sample has Errors Demos RSP-35029
Media player command demo not working on Android Demos RSP-35134
Delphi 11 Patch 1 Vcl.Forms.pas sourcecode doens’t match shipped vcl280.bpl File Delivery, VCL RSP-36077
#$21..#$5F characters cannot be selected correctly when they are at the end. FireMonkey RSP-35651
A blue dot remains when moving after selecting all edits FireMonkey RSP-32651
AV in DrawBitMap on MacOS with GlobalUseMetal FireMonkey RSP-35772
Access violation on MapView when changed Parent field FireMonkey RSP-36338
ActivateSharedContext badly implemented FireMonkey RSP-34481
Android: Second tap to a read-only TEdit invokes the virtual keyboard FireMonkey RSP-27021
Apps that use In App Purchase that do not have a relevant meta-data tag result in a Play Store warning FireMonkey RSP-35834
Cannot use ‘file://’ to open file in WebBrowser1.Navigate FireMonkey RSP-34714
Canvas.Pen.Join := TStrokeJoin.Bevel; doesn’t work with GDI+ Canvas FireMonkey RSP-34293
Clearing Listbox with large number items very slow FireMonkey RSP-35654
Conversion candidates do not appear in the correct position when converting Japanese. FireMonkey RSP-35826
Crash under macOS when trying to hide-unhide the application with an open modal window FireMonkey RSP-25586
Create a FMX form in DLL, and FreeLibrary, Access Validate Error occured. FireMonkey RSP-26569
Don’t hide application under macOS if main window is not active FireMonkey RSP-25587
Emoji colours are wrong on iOS FireMonkey RSP-35785
Error when using IME to enter text when selecting FireMonkey RSP-35650
FMX + Android: wrong touch-position when “ControlType = Platform” and transparent status-bar FireMonkey RSP-33681
FMX Grid scrolls automatically to selection after refresh FireMonkey RSP-32211
FMX Memo, issues with automatic scrolling FireMonkey RSP-34201
FMX Message TFormReleasedMessage fires twice when Action is TCloseAction.caFree FireMonkey RSP-33859
FMX PopupMenu AutoExpand Submenu funcions only one time FireMonkey RSP-33899
FMX TCustomGrid EArgumentOutOfRange while disappearing from multiview FireMonkey RSP-34031
FMX TEdit Ctrl+Backspace removes *two* words before the caret FireMonkey RSP-36562
FMX TImageList – Serious Resource Leak – Ultimately Crashes Application FireMonkey RSP-32170
FMX Win High-DPI Bug: secondary forms with MainFormCenter position can appear off-screen FireMonkey RSP-35695
FMX Win High-DPI Bug: styled form border does not always render correctly when form is maximized FireMonkey RSP-35699
FMX component drag on to form results with destructs and constructs of all components on the form design FireMonkey RSP-35644
FMX default compiler directive FireMonkey RSP-15653
FMX mouse capture doesn’t work on Ubuntu (FMXLinux) FireMonkey RSP-36896
FMX: Setting a selection of a Memo does not work FireMonkey RSP-34052
FMX: TCalendar shows wrong weeknumbers FireMonkey RSP-13358
FMX: TMenuItem shortcuts Ctrl+Alt+O and Ctrl+Alt+A don’t work FireMonkey RSP-34296
Free of Listbox/Combobox with a large number of items SLOW FireMonkey RSP-34106
In “TContextManager.UnInitialize” private class var “FDefaultContextClass” not cleared FireMonkey RSP-33770
Ios: Orientation of UIImagePickerController is inversed FireMonkey RSP-20875
Issues in FMX.Platform cleanup FireMonkey RSP-34828
Jet Style 1.0 FMX FireMonkey RSP-31542
Key Up and Key Down Events not working. FireMonkey RSP-31879
MacOS Full Screen Behaviour FireMonkey RSP-24341
Memory leak in TPopup FireMonkey RSP-21438
Menus on wrong screen with premium styles FireMonkey RSP-18315
Missing images in menu and no working top level shortcuts when a style is used FireMonkey RSP-21869
Mouse event is offset under multiple different dpi monitors FireMonkey RSP-36022
Not giving focus control back to the creator form after closing a showmodal form when a stylebook is applied and active FireMonkey RSP-33687
On android device Tedit ontyping event is being called twice FireMonkey RSP-23267
OnKeyDown issues on Ubuntu (FMXLinux) FireMonkey RSP-36894
Per monitor DPI scaling broken in Firemonkey FireMonkey RSP-21008
Problem destroying the shape when the mapview component exists (problem only exists on ios) FireMonkey RSP-32177
Quick Edit padding not working for FireMonkey form FireMonkey RSP-34994
Re-post RSP-15460: Form freezes FireMonkey RSP-19900
Redundant nil check in FMX TBitmap.DestroyResources FireMonkey RSP-34030
Right clicking TEdit or TMemo doesn’t set focus FireMonkey RSP-34314
Screen rotation with TMultiView Crash FireMonkey RSP-34448
Scrolling the Listbox in 10.4.2 FireMonkey RSP-34262
Segmenttion fault when ending an app under Android which uses FMX.Ani.TAnimator FireMonkey RSP-36961
SetTransparency of FMX Form raises exception if there is WebBrowser with Edge FireMonkey RSP-34978
Some FMX platform services don’t have nil check for TPlatformServices.Current FireMonkey RSP-34743
TBitmap not updated after drawing on its canvas FireMonkey RSP-33732
TCommonCustomForm.MouseLeave never called on macOS FireMonkey RSP-34277
TExpanders are not working correctly in vertical scroll boxes FireMonkey RSP-19057
TListBox has a memory leak FireMonkey RSP-30306
TListView SwipeDelete fail FireMonkey RSP-29986
TNotificationCenter: Windows Notifications in Action Center can’t always be cancelled FireMonkey RSP-26305
TNotificationCenterCocoa10.DoRequestPermission doesn’t invoke callback if successful FireMonkey RSP-34439
TPath in a TFrame don’t save it’s data when changed in a TForm FireMonkey RSP-36037
TTextSettings.SetFontColor must set IsAdjustChanged under iOS FireMonkey RSP-20676
TWebBrowser ‘s Default value of WindowsEngine is None. FireMonkey RSP-35795
TWebBrowser not able to load local files with spaces on Android FireMonkey RSP-34641
The application does not respond after hiding-unhiding under macOS if a dialog box was opened FireMonkey RSP-25588
The caret position is wrong when deleting with the Delete key. FireMonkey RSP-35886
The image placed foremost on TListBoxItem is displayed behind the text on iOS FireMonkey RSP-33260
Unable to insert text at the cursor position after tabbing to TEdit in FMX. FireMonkey RSP-35748
Undo option is missing from the TMemo context menu FireMonkey RSP-34327
Unicode text containing ‘U+200C’ is rendered incorrectly in iOS and Android. FireMonkey RSP-32194
Use Dynamic Frameworks On iOS FireMonkey RSP-19926
Use clear instead of fillrect to paint the background of the form FireMonkey RSP-20970
Windows Title Bar cannot Display FireMonkey RSP-16270
[MacOS] Application stuck in full screen mode FireMonkey RSP-19446
[macOS / iOS] With GlobalUseMetal, the colors of the emoji are reversed FireMonkey RSP-31856
[macOS] closing a modal form crashes the application (when running fullscreen) FireMonkey RSP-36669
[macOS][Metal] Bitmap.CopyFromBitmap and incorrect colors FireMonkey RSP-31408
[macOS][Metal]Can’t print bitmap FireMonkey RSP-31409
[macOS][Metal]Refreshing form don’t work after close form (Hide) from red button FireMonkey RSP-31168
iOS: Invalid Code Signing of frameworks FireMonkey RSP-36648
macOS: Printing a bitmap with GlobaluseMetal := true crahs the app FireMonkey RSP-34053
paserver issue arm osx monterey FireMonkey RSP-36068
set GlobalUseGPUCanvas to True causes memory leak FireMonkey RSP-18798
TListBox groups render incorrect with invisible items FireMonkey, FireMonkey\Components RSP-13834
Destroying TTimerThread (FMX.Ani) FireMonkey, FireMonkey\Runtime RSP-36584
TBitmapCodecAndroid.LoadFromStream can fail with memory fault FireMonkey, FireMonkey\Runtime RSP-19043
order of the button is wrong in messageDialog under IOS FireMonkey, FireMonkey\Runtime RSP-15971
Caption font not scaled in object inspector in high DPI FireMonkey, IDE RSP-35103
Controls are not placed at the drop position when the scale is not 100%. FireMonkey, IDE RSP-35890
FMX Transparent form renders wrong in IDE on high-DPI monitor FireMonkey, IDE RSP-35675
Pressing the Win key (to open your computer’s Start Menu) when the FMX form designer has focus inserts a bracket in the Object Inspector FireMonkey, IDE RSP-36573
TMainMenu items editor disappears when editing a menu item FireMonkey, IDE RSP-31905
[FMX] TListView designer unstable – get catastrophic failures often FireMonkey, IDE RSP-29464
Exception-Klasse 6 when try to run Firemonkey app on macOS Monterey FireMonkey, PAServer RSP-36064
TActionsList actions list category deselected unexpectedly when reordering actions FireMonkey, RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-27083
Use Translate when creating standard context menu items FireMonkey, RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-36932
AV in TPrinter.SetPrinter FireMonkey, VCL RSP-27952
AV in TPrinter.SetPrinter FireMonkey, VCL RSP-36458
All the “.chm” help files outdated, not only “topics.chm” as reported before Help and Doc RSP-35494
Options | Deployment | Provisioning Help and Doc, IDE RSP-26694
“Add Package” Dialog is scaled wrong (font too large) IDE RSP-35233
“List” view mode in Project Manager is not persisted IDE RSP-31023
Open Recent IDE RSP-35358
About Dialog: List of installed products/extensions is scrambled on scaled display IDE RSP-35163
Access violation after closing a file IDE RSP-35721
Add components to application IDE RSP-36168
After project is closed, it cannot be reopened by single click on item title in Welcome Page Recent section IDE RSP-34988
Buffer List dialog – incorrect row height in HighDPI IDE RSP-35734
Bug reported in https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-34454 persists in 6427 IDE RSP-34806
Cannot build Android service with custom configuration IDE RSP-25990
Checkboxes are not scaled if project options dialog is moved to low dpi monitor IDE RSP-34875
Closing files cause a delay (If ‘Welcome’ page is opened) IDE RSP-21973
Code Editor and other tool windows became blank in debug mode IDE RSP-36154
Code insight – Ctrl+Left Clic – Right Clic + Search variable IDE RSP-35406
Code navigation (go to definition) does not seem to work when inside a groupproj. IDE RSP-36030
Columns in Projects Tool window are not HiDpi-aware IDE RSP-35210
Controls are moving/jumping when clicked/selected in the Form Designer IDE RSP-31115
Ctrl+clicking on my defined types leads to System.Generics.Collections instead on unit where they are defined IDE RSP-33068
Ctrl-Click not working when @-operator is in the mix IDE RSP-34856
DPI Unaware and HighDPI toolbar settings are not same in registry. IDE RSP-35487
Dark theme still shows classic scrollbar IDE RSP-27154
Delphi 11 is reporting changes in FMX modules in every load IDE RSP-35798
Dialog “project options” shows black area IDE RSP-29712
Displacement to the right buttons on the Delphi IDE toolbar after an IDE font increase IDE RSP-36758
Drag and drop of dpr file into editor breaks IDE IDE RSP-32618
Drop list box displays nothing whenever cursor is below any inline variable declaration IDE RSP-29434
During autoformatting the code, breakpoints will disappear (C++) IDE RSP-14617
During loading of the welcome page the “recent” area is drawn strangely IDE RSP-35127
Editor Font does not work IDE RSP-35408
Editor Gutter settings don’t save IDE RSP-35521
Enable LSP indexing in new C++ Builder projects IDE RSP-35253
Error dialog appears underneath the opening project dialog IDE RSP-35061
Error dialog stays on screen when focus switched to another app IDE RSP-35147
ErrorInsight and CodeInsight for x64 does not work for very large projects IDE RSP-30667
Exception in IDE on using “Open recent” from File menu IDE RSP-36175
Exception tags in XMLDOC are not shown in Help Insight IDE RSP-36771
Field Link Designer and New Field Dialog Issues IDE RSP-19249
File -> New -> Other -> Inheritable Items is unsorted which makes it very difficult to find the wanted item IDE RSP-28063
File / New / Other – Inheritable Items: Not Sortable IDE RSP-32133
File/new keyboard strangenes IDE RSP-30711
Find in Files form shows offscreen and is unusable after switching from two monitors to one monitor IDE RSP-32238
Flow Control Highlighting symbols are not scaled IDE RSP-35047
Font height change in dfm if Scaled = False IDE RSP-34960
Font size in Project Manager gets smaller IDE RSP-35753
Form Designer for CustomForms under High DPI IDE RSP-35842
GetIt UI Needs to be Cleaned Up IDE RSP-31021
GetIt “installed” filter takes for ages IDE RSP-23648
Git settings window too small IDE RSP-28770
Hi DPI IDE error with parameter completion IDE RSP-36210
High-DPI + Font scaling problem in project option IDE RSP-36277
High-DPI IDE scaling error. The font of the Messages Window not scaled. IDE RSP-36211
IDE Application Title Bar is cut off on Hi-Def screen IDE RSP-33154
IDE List index out of bounds when refreshing target devices IDE RSP-33133
IDE Marks file(s) as changed on open [when using VCL styles in designer] IDE RSP-34965
IDE Toolbar cuts ComboBox IDE RSP-22244
IDE crash on Find in Files when trying to open found file IDE RSP-34986
IDE does not adjust to DPI changes — still IDE RSP-14288
IDE needlessly reads values from registry IDE RSP-26217
IDE on dual monitor system during debugging (Unwanted scroller) IDE RSP-35595
IDE option setting is not persistent IDE RSP-35165
IDE panels disappear after enter debug mode IDE RSP-35481
IDE panels disappear after project reopen IDE RSP-36010
IDE says “indexing” when hovering over a function call but LSP was turned off IDE RSP-34905
IDE system icon moves IDE RSP-21975
IDE/Codeinsight doesn’t work very well with IFDEFs IDE RSP-15580
INTAServices90.AddImages mixes images IDE RSP-35412
IOTAServices.ExpandRootMacro does not expand $(Platform) and $(Config) IDE RSP-32566
Icon is not rendered correctly [color-keyed icon with fuchsia background] IDE RSP-34717
Improper Layout afer dragging IDE from standard to HiDPI monitor IDE RSP-34813
Inconsistent DeployFile sort order in .dproj IDE RSP-18069
Inline variables break navigation bar IDE RSP-33191
Installer label flicker IDE RSP-34745
Issue with Code Insight const block of nested class helper IDE RSP-27887
Keyboard scrolling in GetIt pckage manager still broken IDE RSP-28789
LSP – Code Completion not working (reproducible) IDE RSP-32578
LSP Server keeps running even if Delphi is closed IDE RSP-36632
LSP shows wrong location for type-declaration IDE RSP-28543
LSP suggests unusable tips IDE RSP-32598
Library options page doesn’t understand $(Platform) IDE RSP-32635
Live bindings designer wrong scaled if changed dpi IDE RSP-35986
Many problems with the IDE with monitors set to different scaling IDE RSP-35431
Messages listbox text is wrong size when moved from 4k to fhd screen IDE RSP-36361
Messages view: Visually differentiate error, warning, hints and regular messages IDE RSP-28221
Missing debug status indication in IDE Title text for Android projects IDE RSP-34891
MultiPaste dialog scaled wrong IDE RSP-35424
Navigation Toolbar fails with inline variable declarations IDE RSP-30125
Navigation Toolbar unreadable IDE RSP-34105
New Helmet & C++ Icons Missing IDE RSP-35077
New IDE icons are blurry IDE RSP-34898
New Items dialog no longer remembers last selection IDE RSP-21985
New VCL projects are created with Runtime Themes disabled [base config] IDE RSP-28822
New Welcome Page is flickering IDE RSP-35175
New Welcome Screen Open Recent should list only projects IDE RSP-34731
New items dialog is missing view en sort options. IDE RSP-30250
New items dialog slow and cumbersome IDE RSP-23508
Object Inspector: ImageIndex and ImageName dropdown images are too small IDE RSP-34773
Object inspector speedsettings colors issue IDE RSP-24596
Opening VCL or FMX based unit takes long time IDE RSP-32668
Option dialog IDE RSP-22338
Option dialog issues – Version Control missing scrollbar/box? IDE RSP-27011
Options splitter not working consistently IDE RSP-22332
Palette caption font issue on 4K monitor IDE RSP-35679
Possibility to skip/ignore patches provided via GetIt on Welcome page IDE RSP-36878
Pressing the F2 key to edit property will cause q to be entered. IDE RSP-36745
Problem with 24×24 component icons IDE RSP-35336
Project Options Application Manifest refuses to keep/use “none” DPI Awareness setting IDE RSP-35740
Project Todo file included in deployment and cannot be removed IDE RSP-25747
Project loading progress dialog stays on top of every other application IDE RSP-35097
Project options contains black square IDE RSP-35227
Proposal for the excellent new compile-dialog IDE RSP-22366
REST debugger has text problems in french release IDE RSP-31551
Reading IOTAProjectOptions.Values causes exception for certain option names IDE RSP-17510
Refactoring with view references fails with Cannot perform CAS Asserts in Security Transparent methods IDE RSP-36624
Restoring default welcome page IDE RSP-35634
SDK API level and Delphi NDK path are not displayed. IDE RSP-35944
SDK wizard cannot found SDK API level. IDE RSP-35947
Scaled forms do not always have commensurate sizes in 11.0 IDE RSP-35778
Scroll bar in project inspector IDE RSP-32663
Search box in Inheritable items is broken IDE RSP-27451
Some parts of the IDE look wrong in High DPI IDE RSP-34809
Text in the code completion window looks distorted and truncated on 125% dpi IDE RSP-35754
The coordinate value of the component with akBottom becomes strange. IDE RSP-35993
ToolButtons disappear IDE RSP-34850
Toolbar Customizations IDE RSP-36697
Unable to install Android SDK’s IDE RSP-26893
VCL Styles IDE Bug with selecting controls IDE RSP-35473
Version info screen not styled IDE RSP-34090
Vote Smart and Simple Console Project Templates for the C++ Builder is Needed IDE RSP-35070
Welcome Page New and Promoted GetIt panels duplicate thumbnail images IDE RSP-35991
Wish for an option to avoid saving PixelsPerInch to TDataModule DFM files, to preserve backwards compatibility IDE RSP-35809
Wrong Listsize of the IDE [open from Explorer, IDE layout is different] IDE RSP-27294
[High DPI IDE] Dialog “Go to Address” does not support high dpi IDE RSP-35987
[High DPI IDE] Drag and drop of windows / controls between high dpi and low dpi monitor shows wrong window size IDE RSP-35985
[High DPI IDE] Font size in GetIt search edit can be too big IDE RSP-35632
[High DPI IDE] The Installed Components dialog scales incorrectly IDE RSP-35664
[High DPI] VCL designer does not scale snap tolerance IDE RSP-34826
[REGRESSION] Use Unit dialog wrong focus IDE RSP-36160
[TitleBar] Mouse cursor changes to arrow on non-resizable dialog IDE RSP-34879
autocomplete is very slow IDE RSP-36821
code formater add space after first underscored numbers part IDE RSP-36755
cropped combooxes IDE RSP-25866
icons of the vertical/horizontal alignment bar button are wrong IDE RSP-35768
labels are not displayed properly in options. IDE RSP-35892
most (main IDE form’s) toolbars are not dpi/scaling-aware IDE RSP-34825
open from version control icon is too small IDE RSP-34719
iOS Development for AppStore not possible with XCode 13.0 IDE, IDE\Build System RSP-35701
Method Toxicity has wrong HiDPI-awareness (font size is huge) IDE, IDE\Castalia RSP-34740
CTR+SPACE code completion does not work inside IFDEF IDE, IDE\Code Insight RSP-31560
Code completion does not always work [for ifdef-s, when that macro is defined] IDE, IDE\Code Insight RSP-31490
In a C++ source file, moving the mouse over a variable, I see “Unable to find file…” IDE, IDE\Code Insight RSP-30321
Locate failed. IDE, IDE\Code Insight RSP-34058
Tooltip symbol insight (LSP) tooltip disappears when moving mouse over it IDE, IDE\Code Insight RSP-30862
Type Parameters not listed in Code Insight completion list IDE, IDE\Code Insight RSP-14594
Component name color on black form IDE, IDE\FireMonkey Designer, IDE\VCL Designer RSP-26061
Import Google Services JSON File Issue IDE, IDE\General RSP-35456
GetIt Features needed… slow on search etc IDE, IDE\GetIt RSP-32583
GetIt filter feature is too slow IDE, IDE\GetIt RSP-23301
GetIt should not jump to the beginning of the list when installation is finished IDE, IDE\GetIt RSP-24452
Details button of “no help for dcc32 found” issue IDE, IDE\Help RSP-12154
A lot of display problem in installer (some in IDE) in High-DPI with 200% scaling IDE, Install RSP-35497
GetIt titles and description of entries are sometimes reversed IDE, Install, Install\GetIt RSP-32611
In Android SDK Add wizard, caption is not properly. IDE, Translation RSP-35929
Dynamically created frames are scaled wrong when IDE is in High DPI mode IDE, VCL RSP-34822
Fonts in Nested Controls are not Down Scaled in Dpi Unaware Applications IDE, VCL RSP-35518
TGridPanel not scaled correct in High DPI mode IDE, VCL RSP-34767
TScrollingStyleHook erratic behaviour while scrolling IDE, VCL, VCL\Styles/Themes RSP-23147
“Start working” in Setup is dangerous Install RSP-28568
Installer background image looks broken Install RSP-34866
LockBox 3.7 problems in C++ Builder CE Install RSP-34153
Operation Complete window runs RADS while i click close button. Install RSP-26886
xml mapper fais to install Install RSP-35581
Support for ASCR, DEP and StateSEH Linker RSP-37098
[ilink32 Error] Error: Unresolved external ‘__tpdsc__ Linker RSP-34504
ilink64 searches a wrong drive for libraries Linker RSP-17092
DXGI.h(1434): E2015 Ambiguity between ‘DXGI_FORMAT’ and ‘Mshtml::DXGI_FORMAT’ RTL RSP-33626
G-sensor access denied RTL RSP-30006
Breakpoint speeds affects by number of threads RTL, RTL\C++ RSP-29892
EZeroDivide exception does not work properly RTL, RTL\C++ RSP-28878
When closing a VCL application written in C++, an exception occurs if you change the visual style and display a TOpenDialog dialog box. RTL, RTL\C++, VCL RSP-36490
“Copy paste bug?” in IOUtils.TDirectory.ConvertDateTimeToFileTime RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-36935
A change in TThread breaks Windows XP compatibility RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-35459
About NetHTTPClient and OnValidateServerCertificate RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-35700
VCL) RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-27405
Better InitInstance RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-34931
Better InvokeRecordInitializer RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-35150
Better _IntToStr32 RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-36119
Better _LStrAsg RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-34739
Better _LStrLAsg RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-35030
Better _UStrAsg RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-34728
Better _UStrAsg (purepascal) RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-35189
Bug in TMethodImplementation.TInvokeInfo.SaveArguments RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-30851
Change (=fix) .size() function from TZDecompressionStream RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-35988
Changing the reading order of ini files RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-36786
Delphi Mocks – TVirtualInterface/RTTI issue with double and safecall RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-37009
Delphi win64 applications can’t work correctly under Wine 64 bits on macOS because of thread variables RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-26206
FindCmdLineSwitch fails to parse value when value has a leading switch character RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-35956
NameThreadForDebugging raise EThreadNameException under Linux RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-22083
NameThreadForDebugging raises EThreadNameException on iOS RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-29625
Potential AV in NotifyModuleUnload and RemoveModuleUnloadProc RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-28953
REST PUT issue RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-35824
SOAP on Android64: invalid floating point overflow RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-30521
ScanDate wrong RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-36115
Slight improvement to _FinalizeRecord RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-35038
Small optimization in _IntToStr64 RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-35144
StrToFloat behaviour Win32 vs.Win64 Bit RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-34018
Support for Window 11 and Server 2022 in TOSVersion RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-36176
System._CopyArray optimization RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-30316
TCharHelper IsLetter error RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-20569
TCharHelper.ToLower(UCS4Char) regression RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-31392
TListHelper.DoIndexofFwd# – Move “Value” memory access outside of loop RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-34998
TMetaFile cant load from large Streams RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-34331
TRESTRequest forces ANSI encoding on Body content under Windows RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-36796
TRttiField.SetValue breaks past bevaviour with Null and String RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-35486
TZCompressionStream raises “EZCompressionError with message ‘Invalid ZStream operation!'” RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-35516
TZCompressionStream.CopyFrom raises SZInvalid RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-35509
TZipFile TLocalHeader FileComment problems RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-34493
Wrong OS version detected for Windows applications running on Wine RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-18185
Wrong usage of HeapAlloc + VirtualProtect in System.RTT.TPrivateHeap RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-35726
access violation in THTTPClient.ExecuteHTTPInternal RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-33810
c++ Could not find a match for ‘TStringList::AddStrings(TStringDynArray)’ RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-35503
problems with split RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-35895
If NULL character (#0) string is passed to TDirectory.GetFiles you get a stack overflow RTL, RTL\Delphi, RTL\Delphi\I/O RSP-35819
Linux64 – System.IOUtils.TDirectory.Delete() when Recursive=True, deletes contents of Dir parameter, but fails to remove Dir itself RTL, RTL\Delphi, RTL\Delphi\I/O RSP-23877
TDirectory hides copy failures RTL, RTL\Delphi, RTL\Delphi\I/O RSP-20944
THTTPClient.CreateFormFromStrings malformed when form name empty RTL, RTL\Delphi, RTL\Delphi\Net RSP-35332
TURI.ToString does not add port to URL RTL, RTL\Delphi, RTL\Delphi\Net RSP-34571
TListView – Bug using the same TImageList for SmallImages and Stateimages, drawing glitches after dynamic change RTL, RTL\Delphi, VCL RSP-34663
Better _UStrToPWChar (and _LStrToPChar) RTL\Delphi RSP-37014
Regression: Implementation of new StringToGuid causes invalid guids to be parsed RTL\Delphi RSP-35513
Small possible optimization of AnsiLowerCase and AnsiUpperCase RTL\Delphi RSP-34655
Change Request for Web.HTTPApp ExtractHeaderFields() RTL\Delphi\Net RSP-35370
Wrong German E2425 text Translation RSP-35877
A styled form with a MinHeight/MinWidth constraint changes constraints after minimize/restore. VCL RSP-31253
Access violation in Vcl.Menus when use VCL styles VCL RSP-32262
Bug in the graphs of TDbGrid and TDbNavigator and in TGroupBox and TRadioGroup.StyleElements. VCL RSP-33766
Cast error in Vcl.ComCtrls VCL RSP-36385
CheckStates not retained when tree node is moved with MoveTo() function. VCL RSP-36040
Custom styles don’t draw TStatusBar if a panel h VCL RSP-34667
Data Module does not keep its size VCL RSP-35347
Date/Time/Calendar pickers dropdown window positionning issue VCL RSP-30024
Delphi 10.4 DLL DBGrid Runtime Error 216 VCL RSP-33662
Dfm files from earlier versions of Delphi with a value for TNumberbox.CurrencyFormat will fail to open VCL RSP-35407
Disabled actions are not always disabled on a TActionMainMenuBar VCL RSP-32142
DoThemedDrawText: Parameter “Selected” is ignored, leading to wrong text color in menus on Windows 11 VCL RSP-35049
DoubleBuffered Bug on Windows 11 VCL RSP-36020
Flickering in Styled Combobox Drawing VCL RSP-29844
Fontsize and position of labels and components keep increasing in Delphi VCL RSP-35716
Form moved to monitor with different scale – wrong form size VCL RSP-36855
German text in layout selection dialog cut off VCL RSP-32506
IDE Invalid coordinates of objects in the insertion in TPanel VCL RSP-36532
Incorrect form scaling VCL RSP-35032
Incorrect item margins in TControlList VCL RSP-35606
Label on TLabeledEdit does not expand.. VCL RSP-34779
ListView column unexpectedly when connected to a PC using RDP VCL RSP-31943
Memory Leak in TCustomNumberBox.WMPaint VCL RSP-36331
Moving a form from a higher DPI monitor to lower DPI monitor causes form to be wrongly scaled VCL RSP-36057
PageControl tabsheet caption image align issue with VCL style VCL RSP-35200
Patch1 Mangles Forms with BorderStyle = bsNone and bsSingle VCL RSP-36004
Potential nullptr.AV in TCustomForm.WMSetIcon() VCL RSP-34657
Problem with DBCombobox dropdownlist RightToLeft Windows10 Style VCL RSP-31329
Programs built with dpi>96 run corrupted in 96dpi VCL RSP-35312
RichEdit line insertion error VCL RSP-36812
Scroll bar does not update properly in TStringGrid with style applied VCL RSP-35657
Styles header conflicts with zlib header VCL RSP-36999
TCombobox scaling problem at 150% VCL RSP-31703
TControlListButton Image* properties not shown at designtime VCL RSP-35770
TControlListButton hint not working VCL RSP-36498
TControlListButton not highlighted VCL RSP-36488
TCustomGrid incorrectly calculates last visible column if rightmost column is not visible VCL RSP-33769
TDBEdit ignore TextHint VCL RSP-20754
TDockTabSet caption panel not scaling VCL RSP-33698
TNumberBox incompatible settings VCL RSP-35614
TPopupMenu and TMainMenu: excessive use of UserObjects when VCL Themes are used VCL RSP-36265
TRichEditAction Actions do not respect read only controls VCL RSP-35894
TService.ReportStatus may throw index out of range error VCL RSP-34015
TSpinEdit inner buttons click event not observed VCL RSP-31635
TTitleBar.GetClientRect returns the incorrect TRect values VCL RSP-36151
Tbutton with 2 ImageList go into deadlock when destroyed VCL RSP-35758
VCL TToolButton with Style set to tbsDropDown not scaling correctly VCL RSP-31272
VCL controls with constraints do not scale correctly VCL RSP-32216
Vcl.FileCtrl.FileSelectDirectory() wrong scaled on high dpi monitor VCL RSP-32344
VirtualImageList images grow when HighDPI=Auto (Monitor Scale = 200) VCL RSP-34913
Width of GroupBox on inherited form changes to default VCL RSP-36207
Windows 11 Menu text with ImageList not readable VCL RSP-35800
[toolbar] Unusable form editing in high dpi monitor due to Incorrect buttonheight and buttonwidth being set on forms VCL RSP-29820
form designer modifies anchored elements VCL RSP-36159
HighDPI at TLabeledEdit VCL, VCL\Additional RSP-35534
Wrong re-scaling in High-DPI Styled and Constrained MainForm VCL, VCL\Styles/Themes RSP-33760

RadStudio 11 and Delphi 11 November Patch got released

The RadStudio and Delphi 11 November patch got released on the 24th of October and contains about 23 fixes.

As it also includes the previously released Patch 1, you can either install it on the patched or unpatched version.

Download it from Embarcadero or from GetIt.

Here are the included fixes:

Full Changelog

New Quality Portal issues addressed by the RAD Studio 11 November Patch

PAServer related issues

RSP-36094 Cannot compile to macos, no such file
RSP-36068 paserver issue arm osx monterey
RSP-36064 Exception-Klasse 6 when try to run Firemonkey app on macOS Monterey

VCL related issues

RSP-36207 Width of GroupBox on inherited form changes to default
RSP-36077 Delphi 11 Patch 1 Vcl.Forms.pas source code doesn’t match shipped vcl280.bpl
RSP-36004 Patch1 Mangles Forms with BorderStyle = bsNone and bsSingle
RSP-35993 The coordinate value of the component with akBottom becomes strange.

Quality Portal issues addressed by  RAD Studio 11 Patch 1 (the contents of which are included in this patch)

RSP-35800 Windows 11 Menu text with ImageList not readable
RSP-35785 Emoji colors are wrong on iOS
RSP-35778 Scaled forms do not always have commensurate sizes in 11.0
RSP-35716 FontSize and position of labels and components keep increasing in Delphi
RSP-35701 iOS Development for AppStore not possible with XCode 13.0
RSP-35651 #$21..#$5F characters cannot be selected correctly when they are at the end.
RSP-35650 Error when using IME to enter text when selecting
RSP-35518 Fonts in Nested Controls are not Down Scaled in Dpi Unaware Applications
RSP-35473 VCL Styles IDE Bug with selecting controls
RSP-35459 A change in TThread breaks Windows XP compatibility
RSP-35312 Programs built with dpi>96 run corrupted in 96dpi
RSP-35049 DoThemedDrawText: Parameter “Selected” is ignored, leading to wrong text color in menus on Windows 11
RSP-34960 Font height change in DFM if Scaled = False
RSP-34913 VirtualImageList images grow when HighDPI=Auto (Monitor Scale = 200)
RSP-34822 Dynamically created frames are scaled wrong when IDE is in High DPI mode

In addition we also addressed an Access Violation caused by the Welcome Page, some issues related to opening old forms with non-visual components in a High-DPI IDE configuration, and the same issues with emoji colors (RSP-35785) also for Android.

How to reset a HP Hawlet Packard PageWide printer?

If your printer locks you out, asks for passwords you never set and tells you that each and every WiFi and other option is locked by a Administrator then you need to reset that thing.

Mine always forgot the settings for WiFi and networking and DHCP and so on and one day he simply locked me out, disabled the network altogether and didn’t let me set anything through the touchscreen anymore.

Please enter the Pin… but i never set a pin…!

To unlock the “Disable Menu” option, press the touchscreen buttons in this way: Continue reading