Author Archives: socialmedia

How to log connection errors in Thunderbird

How to enable logging on mozilla thunderbird?

This is how to temporatly allow logging of thunderbird imap4, php3 or smtp connection events to a file to find out why things don’t work as expected.
The only permanent changes it makes, is the creation of your logfile… the logging mode will turn off, as soon as you close thunderbird and the commandline.

Open your commandline and type in these settings: Continue reading

How to lower your phone battery drain if you’re only using WIFI

If you’re not using your cellular on your android tablet/phone but instead use it only offline or as a WIFI device, the phone is still wasting battery on the phone modem.

With no sim card inserted, the phone is constantly looking for a emergency connection and is wasting battery.

To fix this, you could use your terminal emulator and enter this: (Root required) Continue reading