Category Archives: Bugfixing

Unable to update Linux on Windows 10

When i was trying to update my Linux on Windows 10, i always got this error message:

W: GPG-Error: trusty-security InRelease: »gpgv« wasn’t able to execute for checking signature (is gpgv installed?)
W: GPG-Error: trusty-updates InRelease: »gpgv« wasn’t able to execute for checking signature (is gpgv installed?)
E: Couldn’t create temporary file to work with /var/lib/apt/lists/partial/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_trusty_Release – mkstemp (2: File or Folder not found)

dpkg: Error: Updates-Folder »/var/lib/dpkg/updates/« can’t be read: File or Folder not found
W: /etc/apt/preferences.d/ can’t be read. – DirectoryExists (2: File or Folder not found)
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)

No matter what tip i tried to use, nothing really helped, until i found a fix for it that resolved any error and did let me update the system normally again.

Here is what i did to fix it:
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Repair broken Internet Explorer and Edge

After moving some profile folders, Internet Explorer became slow and refused to load webpages.
The Edge browser simply opened and closed quickly without showing the user interface.
Copying the profile files and folders from a Windows 10 laptop, running the same synched profile, didnt help either.
Even xcopy with acl and flags copied didn’t help.

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