Tag Archives: bootdisk

Ventoy v1.1.01 released.

Ventoy v1.1.01 got released!

Ventoy is a versatile open-source tool designed to create bootable USB drives for various file formats, including ISO, WIM, IMG, VHD(x), and EFI.
With Ventoy, there’s no need to reformat your disk repeatedly.
Simply copy the desired files to the USB drive, and you can boot directly from them. Continue reading

Ventoy 1.1.00 was released

Ventoy 1.1.00: Simplifying Bootable USB Drives
A new version of Ventoy got released.

Ventoy is an open-source tool designed to create bootable USB drives for ISO, WIM, IMG, VHD(x), and EFI files. With Ventoy, there’s no need to constantly format your disk. Continue reading