Delphi 10.4.2 got released.

Embarcadero did it again. They released a rather small sounding point release 10.4.2 highly packed with lots of bugfixes and changes.
This Delphi and C++ Builder update fixed at least 626 publicly reported Bugs and still added lots of new features like two really nice components (TControlList and TNumberBox and a graphical Button TControlListButton that is used for the TControlList which uses Graphic components).

Download here (You need a valid License): 

And here are the changes:

Key Enhancements by product area in 10.4.2

Best-In-Class Windows Application Support

RAD Studio provides the best library for native Windows application development, the Visual Component Library. 10.4.2 builds on the new VCL features and components introduced in 10.4, 10.4.1, and introduces new VCL components, enhanced Windows store support, and more.

New VCL Native Windows Controls

New VCL TControlList Control

RAD Studio 10.4.2 introduces a new flexible and virtualized list control. This new VCL control, designed as a high-performance control for very long lists, provides a modern look and feel, complete with custom UI configuration options.

Similar to the ListView Item Designer for FireMonkey, the new VCL TControlList lets you design the layout of a listview item which is then replicated (virtually) for each of the items in your list. TControlList offers both single-column and multi-column layouts that developers can customize to their liking, and being totally virtual, the list can handle thousands and even millions of items, offering extremely fast scrolling. Besides calculating and displaying only the items that fit on the screen, the list caches the content of the items using in-memory bitmaps. This new control supports High-DPI options and VCL Styles and is fully LiveBindings enabled.

The control includes a wizard that can help developers get started with a number of predefined layouts, like the one below. Also included is a new TControlListButton component, designed to be used with TControlList, that consists of 3 styles – push button, tool button, and link – and is analogous to a TSpeedButton.

For more information see TControlList

New VCL TNumberBox Control

The new VCL TNumberBox control is a modern-looking numeric input control, similar to the Windows platform WinUI NumberBox control. The control supports the input of integer numbers, floating point numbers with a given set of decimal digits and proper formatting, and currency values.

While some third party controls with similar capabilities exist, the VCL only had a much more limited SpinEdit control, with an older UI and limited to integers.

The new control has a modern UI, supports VCL styling, is HighDPI-enabled, and has many additional properties to adjust visual style and behavior. The control offers extensive mouse and keyboard input options, all configurable, and it allows expressions input, so a user can type an expression (say 43*3) and see the result (129 in this case) displayed in the edit.

For more information see TNumberBox Control

Windows Store Packaging Made Easy

The RAD Studio 10.4.2 release introduces support for Microsoft’s newly recommended Windows application packaging format, MSIX, for Microsoft Store and Enterprise deployment.

The IDE integrated MSIX support in 10.4.2 replaces the existing APPX support, while offering similar project configuration options to make the transition process easy. MSIX support incorporates the technology previously known as Desktop Bridge, and it’s one of the pillars of Microsoft’s Project Reunion, which is redefining foundations of the Windows programming API model.

Delphi and C++Builder Windows developers, using either VCL or FireMonkey as their application framework of choice, can take advantage of this new feature. MSIX is the way forward to deploy Windows applications to Windows 10 devices via the Microsoft Store.

For more information see Windows MSIX

Konopka Components Improved Styles Support

Konopka Signature VCL Controls (KSVC) is a popular suite of over 200 Windows UI controls and designers for your Delphi and C++ Builder VCL applications. It is available as a free add-on for Update Subscription customers in GetIt. The VCL Styles architecture was significantly extended in 10.4 to support High-DPI graphics and 4K monitors. 10.4.2 includes numerous enhancements and updates to the KSVC library for better integration with VCL styles.

The new version of KSVC is available as a free add-on for update subscription customers in the GetIt Package Manager from the 10.4.2 IDE.

New TEdgeBrowser Extensions

The TEdgeBrowser VCL component introduced in 10.4 (a wrapper around the Windows 10 Chromium-based Edge WebView2 control) has been updated with support for the GA version of Microsoft’s WebView2 control and its SDK. Besides better compatibility, the component now offers enhanced support for files cache management and the use of custom WebView2 versions.

See TEdgeBrowser for more info

New Developer Productivity and User Experience Features for Faster Onboarding and Application Development

RAD Studio 10.4.2 includes new tooling to help both new and seasoned application developers build stunning apps quickly, enhanced migration tooling for fast product version upgrades, and a new silent installer for automating the installation of RAD Studio.

As part of an effort to simplify the onboarding process for new developers and highlight new GetIt packages and additional features that can be installed into RAD Studio over time, we have added a new section with featured GetIt packages to the IDE Welcome page. GetIt packages can be quickly installed into the IDE and sample projects are automatically opened after the package has been installed, providing a quick starting point for new and experienced developers alike.

IDE App Wizards – Low Code App Wizards[1]

As part of Embarcadero’s initiative of opening up the IDE more with expanded ToolsAPI support targeted for the future, 10.4.2 includes new application wizards for FireMonkey. These wizards, installable via GetIt, allow RAD Studio developers to quickly build an application from scratch, by specifying a number of parameters through a wizard interface. This includes the ability to select from numerous pre-built forms, representative of the key screens found in most applications today, define basic form interaction logic, select application theming, connect to numerous databases, and more, all without writing a single line of code, but fully customizable by writing Delphi or C++ code. By providing ready-to-use wizards, teams can greatly reduce the onboarding time for new RAD Studio developers on their team, and seasoned VCL & FMX developers can leverage them for a more efficient way to create stunning user interfaces that adhere to today’s UI guidelines.

  1. Jump up Expected to be delivered in GetIt shortly after 10.4.2 release.

IDE Improvements

The RAD Studio IDE provides many developer productivity-focused enhancements in 10.4.2. As part of the enhancements, we have focused on IDE responsiveness. This includes a new progress dialog that shows what the IDE is doing during a lengthy operation, such as opening a large project group. We have updated the library path management and added the ability to convert paths to and from absolute paths to using environment variables in the path, making it easier to configure a project or the IDE in an installation- or source code location-agnostic manner. This is also useful for those managing a complex layout for large applications with many third-party components, as well as for those configuring projects that will be upgraded to a newer IDE version in the future.

In 10.4.2 developers can also work in the form designer while at the same time editing the underlying code of the same unit in a separate edit window, possibly displayed on a secondary monitor.

There is also a new style called Mountain Mist, echoing classic IDE colors.

There are also improvements when accessing RAD Studio over Remote Desktop, useful for those working from home; improvements to adding platforms to projects; and the ability to detect a unit with mixed line endings and to canonicalize those to CRLF.

Finally, you can now press F1 in the Messages pane to open help for a compiler message or compiler error.

Code Insight (LSP) improvements

RAD Studio Language Server Protocol (LSP) support, introduced in 10.4 for Delphi and in the 10.3.x versions for C++, has been significantly expanded in this release, offering better, faster, and more reliable Code Insight, including Code Completion, Parameters Completion, symbol information, and much more.

Compared to the previous versions, in 10.4.2 LSP adds many new features for Error Insight for Delphi: the editor now shows colored underlines for hints and warnings as well as errors, meaning you can see potential important issues in the code editor; a summary of the error, warning and hint status for the current file in the editor status bar; indicators for errors, warnings, and hints in the editor gutter making it easier to spot issues when scrolling your code; and several new ways to highlight the code for an issue, making it easier to see the code in question.

There are also significant improvements to code completion in the unit clause; the Projects view shows the current status of the LSP server, allowing you to see when it is parsing and when it is ready; improvements to parameter completion including showing XMLDoc; improvements to ctrl-click navigation’s understanding of the code, including being able to ctrl-click on the ‘inherited’ keyword, allowing much more robust and featureful navigation; and some other editor features, such as ctrl-shift-up/down to move between method declaration and implementation, have had their implementation moved to the LSP server. There are also improvements for generic methods and classes, to tooltip insight, better support for using Code Insight with packages or in code that uses packages, and more.

For C++, code completion interaction has been significantly revised. Several important quality improvements have been implemented, addressing issues like international characters, indexing, and more, providing robust code completion in well-configured C++ projects.

Enhanced Migration Tool

The Migration Tool that helps copy the IDE configuration across versions, updates, and installation has been significantly updated.

Once you select the type of migration (from version to version, to file, etc.) the tool provides an extended list of settings and 3 preset configurations to choose from. It also allows developers to include additional configuration files such as FireDAC, Desktop, Platforms, and Formatters configuration files, significantly speeding up the process of updating from version to version.

Silent Installation

RAD Studio 10.4.2 supports silent, automated installations of Delphi, C++Builder and RAD Studio with no UI interaction, providing a fast and efficient installation option for individual developers, large development team deployments and IT professionals.

Silent installation can be activated by passing additional, optional command line parameters to the Setup program. The silent installer allows developers to install the core IDE and any of the platforms and features available for their edition. For more information see Silent Installer

Expanded FireMonkey Platforms Support

RAD Studio 10.4.2 includes support for the latest Apple OS and Android OS versions (platform support varies by product).

Enhanced Apple OS Platforms Support

iOS 14 Support (Delphi and C++)

RAD Studio 10.4.2 provides support for building iOS 14 App Store ready applications, targeting the iOS 14 SDK, and debugging on iOS 14 devices. Developers can also target ad hoc distribution for deployment within their enterprise.

macOS 11 Intel Support (Delphi)

Delphi developers can target macOS 11 Big Sur with Intel-based applications using the FireMonkey framework. Also included is support for a new 2x image in the default ICNS file. Delphi developers can build macOS 64-bit applications for the macOS App Store, or for distributing their macOS apps locally or through their own website.

Android 11 Support (Delphi)

Delphi 10.4.2 includes support for deploying and debugging on version 11 of Android and significant improvements for deployment to the App Bundle format, required by Google’s Play Store along with the 64-bit app support.

Key New Delphi Features

Compiler Performance Improvements

We have significantly enhanced the Delphi Compiler performance, by implementing over 35 different compiler optimizations. While the effect on the compilation time varies depending on the customer code base, we have seen reports indicating a very large improvement, with compilation time reduced to a fraction of what was in previous 10.4 releases. This is especially beneficial for customers with large applications.

Code Insight Enhancements

Delphi’s new CodeInsight support based on the LSP technology has been largely expanded in 10.4.2 as covered in the previous section on developer productivity enhancements.

Key C++ Builder Features

C++Builder’s code completion has been significantly revised to allow robust code completion for a well-configured project. In addition, a new approach to handling debug information when linking drastically reduces both the memory usage required for the 64-bit Windows linker, as well as the output size of your application. Finally, exception handling is improved, and the STL updated, providing excellent application behaviour.

Reducing Linker Strain through Split Dwarf

C++Builder 10.4.2 introduces a significant improvement addressing memory usage in the Win64 linker.

The C++ Win64 toolchain uses the ELF64 object file format, and Dwarf v4 debug file format. Debug information can often be very large, and is linked in to the resulting binary by the linker, often causing memory strain for ilink64. In 10.4.2, C++Builder includes a new technology to greatly reduce the amount of data the linker needs to process. It does this by splitting the debug information to separate files; the linker then only links executable code and a small amount of other information. This is known as ‘split Dwarf’. The debug information is placed in .dwo files (dwarf object.)

Win32 Instruction Set

Clang-based bcc32c/x now defaults to ‘pentium2’ instead of ‘i386’ as the default target CPU. This gives some better code optimisations, but the main benefit is reduced register spilling in debug mode.

Exception Handling and RTL

10.4.2 sees a large overhaul of the exception handling system. Both within a module and cross-module (such as throwing an exception from a DLL to an EXE), C++ language exceptions, SEH, and OS exceptions have been overhauled. This should assist you throughout your applications, as well as in unusual cases like some Windows APIs that raise exceptions.

The RTL also includes the latest version of the Dinkumware STL.


Several more key open-source C++ libraries will be made available in GetIt. Not only is this beneficial for you in making those powerful libraries easy to integrate in your own applications, but it demonstrates the compatibility modern versions of C++Builder bring to common C++ code.

Additional Enhancements

We have also put a significant effort into enhancing and improving the quality of several product areas, including in particular:

  • The integration with SOAP web services many business applications need to interact with, improving the WSDL import tool and the SOAP client invocations.
  • The Parallel Programming Library, which is part of the RAD Studio RTL, and offers a modern style for writing multi-threaded applications that can advantage of modern multi-core CPUs.
  • Display of information for generic collection objects in the debugger, with the introduction of a new specific debug visualizer.
  • Database and remote data access technologies have also seen a few improvements for FireDAC InterBase, SQLite, PostgresSQL, and Oracle integrated drivers, the REST Client Library, AWS, and Azure support.

As part of our continued focus on quality, performance, and stability we also fixed a large number of internally found issues and over 600 customer issues reported by customers in Quality Portal.

Here is the Patches list:

Publicly reported bugs fixed in 10.4.2

RAD Studio 10.4.2 Sydney release includes over 600 quality and performance enhancements for publicly reported bugs.

Summary Component/s ExternalID
Regression from 10.3.0 – The help file is missing in the GetIt Package of CodeSite Express. 3rd Party RSP-23759
WSDL importer – WSDL interpretation problem. Command Line Tools, IDE, SOAP RSP-24646
std::function is moved to the loop variable from vector instead of being copied Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-26592
Lockbox Compile-Error Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-20335
Clang – Debug-Stop on Exception throw not working Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-18353
c++ program does not catch exceptions Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-20067
Compiler optimizer removes lines of code Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-31883
[bcc32c Error]… ICE: Internal compiler error: 0 @ 00000000 Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-25971
Code Insight does not work at all under some conditions (international characters in path?) Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-25949
Unexpected compiler error [calling convention attribute on destructor] Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-23671
Distributed CMake breaks bcc32 Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-20998
weak_from_this not implemented Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-24524
[bcc32c][Regression]: fastcall ignored on constructor/destructor and error on Implementation Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-30762
ICE:Internal compiler error: 0 @ 00000000 Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-29727
[Regression] fopen and fopen_s both fail in C++ Builder Win 64 Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-29427
ICE: Internal compiler error: 0 @ 00000000 cause by try catch Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-29717
The alignment for a long double in bcc32x/bcc32c is invalid Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-27955
Unable to create an import library when linking produces a DLL from an object file Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-27903
Failure of standard exception with header file <exception> Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-27900
unknown argument: -fno-standalone-debug provided when the option -flimit-debug-info is provied Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-28635
Complier option -fpack-struct=1 not working for Clang compiler Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-27263
std::from_chars doesn’t works with floating point numbers Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-27015
[cquery issue #1] “cannot initialize object parameter of type…” error in editor Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-26983
Code Insight not working Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-27090
std::optional corrupts the std::shared_ptr located inside Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-27648
Property and method ipwipDaemon1Datain are not compalible Compiler, Compiler\C++, Compiler\C++\BCC, Compiler\C++\BCC\Delphi interop, IDE RSP-30826
std::thread::hardware_concurrency() returns 0 Compiler, Compiler\C++, Compiler\C++\CLANG RSP-19821
IIS Datasnap – Access violation on try catch block with Exception key word Compiler, Compiler\C++, Compiler\C++\CLANG RSP-20416
Internal compiler error when dynamic_casting to a non PACKAGE derived type in a package library. Compiler, Compiler\C++, Compiler\C++\CLANG, Compiler\C++\CLANG\Delphi interop RSP-29974
Error “Property and method <MethodName> are not compatible” in Object Inspector Compiler, Compiler\C++, Compiler\C++\CLANG, Compiler\C++\CLANG\Delphi interop RSP-29734
Add support for Xcode 12, macOS 11 Big Sur and iOS 14 when officially released by Apple Compiler, Compiler\C++, Compiler\Delphi, FireMonkey RSP-30806
[Clang/TwineCompile] some local variables not visible in the debugger Compiler, Compiler\C++, Debugger RSP-20054
code completion and smart pointers Compiler, Compiler\C++, IDE RSP-27303
Project option “Run C++ compiler in a separate process” breaks CodeInsight/LSP Compiler, Compiler\C++, IDE\Code Insight RSP-31085
CLANG] std::bind requires move constructor Compiler, Compiler\C++, RTL\C++ RSP-20209
[bcc32c] std::apply does not std::forward the tuple argument causing a compile time error Compiler, Compiler\C++, RTL\C++ RSP-30212
Win32 CLANG: std::exception handling vs “linked dynamic RTL Compiler, Compiler\C++, RTL\C++ RSP-28983
AV at program end after usage of stringstream in dll or bpl Compiler, Compiler\C++, RTL\Delphi RSP-21410
Compiler failed Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-30085
Error during ide session if many nestes for are present Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-31032
Compiler generates disadvantageous code for try/finally Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-27375
Building/Compiling becomes progressively slower until restart Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSB-2107
LSP + Generics / “Find Reference” not working as expected Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSB-4329
Field not listed in CodeCompletion popup Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSB-4391
Build a project is very slow without IDE Fix Pack Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSB-4141
Out of memory on circular reference Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSB-3992
Incorrect lifetime of variables in a nested block Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-26471
Passing record to external function does not free the record Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-32048
[REGRESSION] Changed handling of unused function results causes very bad codegen Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-31615
Unassigned function result and reraising an exception causes AV Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-31084
Massive memory leaks in local variables Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-30215
F2063 Could not compile used unit ‘Mitov.Types.pas’ Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-30214
[REGRESSION] Wrong codegen for object layout with forward declaration Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-30890
(Regression) Compiler generates incorrect field addresses for derived classes when alignment is off Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-30787
No Warning Message when you Publish 64bit Android App on a 32Bit OS Android Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-31676
MacOS64: Raising an exception causes application and PAServer to crash Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-31667
DCC generates invalid ASM code – app hangs Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-30923
Delphi 10.4.1 is stil 3 to 4 times as slow as 10.3 with the IDE Fix pack Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-30910
Memory leak: inline Interfaces captured by anonymous methods are not released Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-29564
Inner exceptions leak with Delphi/LLVM compilers Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-27592
Catastrophic Failure Compiler, Compiler\Delphi, Data, RTL\Delphi RSP-29672
Delphi gets stuck on “Installing apk” Compiler, Compiler\Delphi, FireMonkey RSP-27424
Android app compiled on Delphi 10.4.1, does not work on Google Pixel with Android 11. Compiler, Compiler\Delphi, FireMonkey RSP-31398
Android App closes/crashes if an exception is raised on TListView:OnItemClickEx-event Compiler, Compiler\Delphi, FireMonkey RSP-16639
Various Getit Downloads Fail to install due to identical source errors Compiler\Delphi, VCL RSP-32055
TAmazonStorageService should be able to change Content-Type header in AWS Data, Data\Cloud RSP-30004
TAzureBlobService.ListBlobs not returning correct data for 2nd and subsequent blobs Data, Data\Cloud RSP-19261
TAzureBlobService.ListBlobs with empty prefix and delimiter as “/” not returns root folders Data, Data\Cloud RSP-21241
When a SOAP request fails no DOM parsing exception should be raised Data, Data\Cloud RSP-31958
Access S3 compatible service like minio with TAmazonStorageService Data, Data\Cloud RSP-32207
TAmazonConnectionInfo.AutoDetectBucketRegion unusable in multihtreaded applications Data, Data\Cloud RSP-31164
HTTP Requests failing when using authentication (Scenario: Datasnap server; Android and Windows clients) Data, Data\DataSnap RSB-4407
DataSnap Callback – Freeze Data, Data\DataSnap RSP-15856
TMonitor.Enter sometimes hangs (INFINITE) and never returns Data, Data\DataSnap RSP-18254
Multiple bugs Data, Data\DataSnap RSP-30808
Delphi REST Datasnap Project critical issue in 10.4.1 Data, Data\DataSnap RSP-30782
TDSRESTConnection won’t allow me change the username and password after the first connect on iOS application. Data, Data\DataSnap RSP-30956
Datasnap – Linker errors when using TFDGUIxWaitCursor component Data, Data\DataSnap, Data\FireDAC RSB-2138
Heavyweight Callback not working in WebBroker Application Data, Data\DataSnap, RTL\Delphi RSP-20702
DBComboBox no longer works in DBCtrlGrid Data, Data\DBCtrls RSP-13105
TDBCheckBox triggers OnClick while scrolling through the dataset Data, Data\DBCtrls RSP-31489
TDBLookupComboBox erratic behavior Data, Data\DBCtrls RSP-31478
Grid index out of range in TDBGrid Data, Data\DBCtrls RSP-31920
FireDac Lookup Field Fails Due to Case Sensitive Comparision Data, Data\DBRtl RSP-31256
W10 Delphi 10.4.1 TSQLConnection (dbexpress) doesn’t load parameters on connect Data, Data\DBX RSP-31819
W10 Delphi 10.3.3 TSQLConnection (dbexpress) does not load parameters on connect Data, Data\DBX RSP-31915
Error on ConnectionName selection in TSQLConnection Data, Data\DBX RSP-29199
TFDMemTable delete a record containing NestedDataSet with ChildDefs Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-32072
LocalSQL query to an FDMemTable multiplies records in the returned dataset Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-32025
firedac metadata bug Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-31927
FDMemtable Filter Error with Chinese Field Name Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-31451
Too small buffer in TIBStatement.GetSQLInfoStr (FireDAC.Phys.IBWrapper) Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-31510
FireDAC TFDBatchMove CommitCount setting restricts the number of transferred records Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-31985
TFDTable doesn’t respect SchemaName when posting data Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-32217
TFDTable and TFDBatchMove not compatible with case-sensitive columns with Interbase 2020 Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-30218
[FireDAC] TFDDataSet.CanModify is true for readonly datasets Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-30388
Wrong CharacterSet in FireDAC MySQL when connected by shared cli Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-30872
FireDAC CreateTable exception with ftWideString with Oracle Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-30848
TFDQuery Master-Detail BROKEN Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-30814
TFDEventAlerter doesn’t work on Informix databases Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-30452
Changing active index on TFDMemTable with active aggregates consumes memory Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-30566
TFDEventAlerter with PostgreSQL. Application crash on TFDEventAlerter unregister. Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-29678
Firedac TQuery does not accept [Sheet1$] as table name while it works in test of connection. Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-28426
Firedac raises EConvertError exception when handling MySQL negative TIME value Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-28142
data.bind.component bug ? Data, Data\LiveBindings RSP-32114
Error when adding a field to TDataGeneratorAdapter while the LiveBinding Designer is open Data, Data\LiveBindings RSP-31580
TClientDataSet.ApplyUpdates() raises EDBClient error with “Mismatch in datapacket” Data, Data\Midas RSP-23382
[ClientDataSet] not able to load data from Stream using cds.LoadFromStream(TMemoryStream) Data, Data\Midas RSP-30490
Wrong Aggregate calculation when filter was apply to nested TClientDataSet Data, Data\Midas RSP-30474
Rest Debugger eats part of the URL Data, Data\REST RSP-32179
Rest call fails on Sydney 10.4 and 10.4.1 Data, Data\REST RSP-32309
RestDebugger, regression of TRestResponseDataSetAsapter ? Data, Data\REST RSP-32297
Rest Debugger has no version or about. Hard to precise the version in JIRA Data, Data\REST RSP-32180
Rest Debugger does not allow request body when using PATCH Data, Data\REST RSP-32075
Rest Components and RestDebugger issue in 10.4 NOT in 10.3 Data, Data\REST RSP-30431
Adding a “multipart/form-data” parameter to a TRESTRequest overrides the Content-Type of the whole HTTP-Request Data, Data\REST RSP-29228
Data.FMTBcd.BcdToCurr fails under Sydney with garbage in unused part of TBCD Data, RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-32287
Getting Access violation error, while Logout from EMSInteralAPI Data\MEAP RSP-28159
Getting Access violation error, while queryusers from EMSInteralAPI Data\MEAP RSP-27693
Break Point Problem Debugger RSP-21846
Debugger off sync Debugger RSP-20992
Debugger Crash while using TFileOpen Debugger RSP-32214
AV in Local Variables window Debugger RSB-3020
bcc32c] can’t evaluate size of vector with clang32 compiler – gets undefined symbol Debugger RSP-14753
Watch variable shows address instead of value Debugger RSP-23543
Macros dont work in debugger settings Debugger RSP-23470
IDE freezes on Ctrl + F2 Debugger RSP-30728
C++ 64bit Debugger can no more jump to exception-throw-point Debugger RSP-30465
Debug kernel not responding Debugger RSP-29849
Debug Visualizer AV on too complicated expressions Debugger RSP-27753
Debug console in 64bit Debugger, IDE RSP-31890
PAServer errors FireMonkey RSB-4353
Access violation with a Styles TDateTimeEdit FireMonkey RSP-18153
TEdit with ControlType = Platform bringtofront method does not work FireMonkey RSP-13190
iOS-App crashes when Virtual Keyboard is on and when switching to another app which hides the keyboard FireMonkey RSP-30002
Texture are lost FireMonkey RSP-16121
Motion sensor does not work on Android 7 FireMonkey RSP-18644
TTrackBar does not track correctly when Tracking is false FireMonkey RSP-32116
ListView.OnItemClickEx.ItemIndex bug with non standard object FireMonkey RSP-31407
Caret (^) is not displayed in iOS. FireMonkey RSP-31897
Confusing ifdef elseif android64 FireMonkey RSP-31617
TFlowLayout affected by children’s Margins.Top FireMonkey RSP-32321
Device refresh button in toolbar broken. FireMonkey RSP-30800
errro msgs FireMonkey RSP-31365
Default ICNS file must be upgraded [Mac Store] FireMonkey RSP-30733
Firebase push notifications for iOS FireMonkey RSP-25637
Modal Forms are not modal on macOS FireMonkey RSB-2866
[FMX] TListBox FireMonkey RSB-4022
Typing after selecting a string then selected string will not be removed.(in OSX TEdit or TMemo) FireMonkey RSB-3596
FMX TPopup actions not updated FireMonkey RSP-21495
(TTextLayout::ConvertToPath -> TPath::MakeScreenShot) Text drawing is distorted FireMonkey RSP-19288
Windows can be trapped behind other windows when using showmodal FireMonkey RSP-26434
FMX. Tstringgrid customeditor access violation on change value FireMonkey RSP-24257
Updating a filtered TListView is not working FireMonkey RSP-16186
TListView refresh issue in combination with TClientDataset FireMonkey RSP-25930
FlowLayout child components order is totally random FireMonkey RSP-32009
10.4.1 regression: tflowlayoutbreak doesn’t work anymore FireMonkey RSP-31816
Access Violation during program finalization in FMX.Controls.TControl.AncestorParentChanged FireMonkey RSP-32205
TListView with LiveBinding crash with Android11 FireMonkey RSP-31548
TCustomScrollBox.InternalAlign sometimes shows scrollbar due to Single calculations FireMonkey RSP-31976
D10.4.1 TDateEdit dialog for select date is different than previous version D10.3 FireMonkey RSP-31993
Livebinding Designer does not detect TListView change of ItemAppearance.ItemAppearance FireMonkey RSP-31578
FMX [ANDROID] FMXDefaultDialogFragment.onCreate App Crash FireMonkey RSP-23962
ComboBox doesn’t scroll to make the selected item visible. FireMonkey RSP-18749
[Windows] FMX TEdit Component Error!!! FireMonkey RSP-18276
Sensors do not work in android FireMonkey RSP-24713
IOS: Premium Style TSpeedButton With StyleLookup segmentedbuttonright Out Of Alignment FireMonkey RSP-20034
CheckColumn at most right sets to default width FireMonkey RSP-20878
OpenDialog causes Invalid Argument when used on modal dialog macOS FireMonkey RSP-26517
FMX library/WIC is unable to open readonly or already opened images FireMonkey RSP-14171
Project raised exception class EJNIException with message ‘java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method ‘boolean java.lang.String.contains(java.lang.CharSequence)’ on a null object reference FireMonkey RSP-24695
CMD+Q invoke onFormCloseQuery two times on macOS 32/64 FireMonkey RSP-26004
Screen.displayCount=0 for Fire HD 10 (9.Gen) FireMonkey RSP-26563
TCustomMultiResBitmap.ItemByScale is little slow FireMonkey RSP-15542
Transfer of Cookies to TWebBrowser FireMonkey RSP-22920
Can’t run Firemonkey-App on Android 7.1.2 FireMonkey RSP-20273
You are not allowed to use location services FireMonkey RSP-16406
Menu of MainMenu pops up sometimes on a wrong screen FireMonkey RSP-21871
Atom leak in FMX.Platform.Win FireMonkey RSP-16557
Date / Time Picker for iOS 14+ (14.4) FireMonkey RSP-32342
Camera Component threading issue Android FireMonkey RSP-31238
Native iOS TComboBox with 28+ items will crash FireMonkey RSP-31235
Change to TControl.SetNewScene causes virtual call to destroyed object FireMonkey RSP-31202
[macOS][Metal]TMemo and wordwrap FireMonkey RSP-31134
TGrid shows current time instead of the value FireMonkey RSP-31119
TListview crash on swipe to delete (iOS) FireMonkey RSP-31111
CloseQuery causes exception in Firemonkey on styled form FireMonkey RSP-31074
TBufferedLayout has small graphical issues FireMonkey RSP-31069
Incorrect TChart drawing on macOS Big Sur FireMonkey RSP-30202
TListView – Missing OnChange when switching entries with mouse click FireMonkey RSP-30866
Adding text to TMemo with sLinebreak-signs crashed the Memo FireMonkey RSP-30846
Behaviour different to 10.3.3 and wrong for Inserting text in TMemo FireMonkey RSP-30845
Duplicate resource FireMonkey RSP-30637
[iOS] TiOSGeocoder.GeocodeForwardHandler can cause a crash FireMonkey RSP-30483
Empty app crashing on Android 10 FireMonkey RSP-30546
Delphi 10.4.1-FMX Combo-box and Combo-edit useless becouse of latency in drop-down FireMonkey RSP-31383
TTextureStyle.MipMaps is de facto not supported on Metal FireMonkey RSP-28576
Newly created TBItmap content in not zeroed on Metal FireMonkey RSP-28895
Metal cause my ios apps to be jerky slow and flickerl FireMonkey RSP-28340
TListBox selection bug FireMonkey RSP-28235
LocationSensor is not useable FireMonkey RSP-29859
No changing center point in Brush Gradient (at least in D2D version), its fixed. FireMonkey RSP-29242
If TButton.Default=True, click is still executed even if it TButton.Enabled=False FireMonkey RSP-29788
Circumflex ^ character in edit controls not visible FireMonkey RSP-30030
TabOrder property of TPanel not saved when part of TFrame FireMonkey RSP-29989
Pressing Enter key in TComboEdit causes text to change unexpectedly FireMonkey RSP-29429
Firemonkey android form onclose no works with TCloseAction.caNone FireMonkey RSP-29529
iOS: Virtual Keyboard not switching mode when changing focus between text input controls FireMonkey RSP-30045
TMemo with Word Wrap displays Caret at start of memo in Android and iOS FireMonkey RSP-29905
Raise Exception causes application shut down under MacOS BigSur Beta2 FireMonkey RSP-30000
Custom scheme URL not working on iOS FireMonkey RSP-29996
Keyboard not showing on iOS FireMonkey RSP-29573
(Metal) 3D forms don’t render 3D controls unless there are also 2D controls on the form. FireMonkey RSP-29537
TSpeedButton does not respond after interrupting the input of Japanese IME on iOS FireMonkey RSP-28094
InputQuery window should be made wider to accomodate the caption FireMonkey RSP-27778
TComboBox item selection by typing doesn’t work FireMonkey RSP-27970
MultiView Drawer mode doesn’t work in push mode when changing orientation FireMonkey RSP-27785
Pasting into a TEdit does not behave properly when maxlength is set FireMonkey RSP-27894
TForm.activecontrol does not work? FireMonkey RSP-27486
TCanvasD2D is not threadsafe when call DrawBitmap FireMonkey RSP-27447
FMX.Graphics.TBitmap.Map with Write acess does not free underlying textures in TCanvasD2D FireMonkey RSP-27273
Cannot set tab order of fields on an FMX form where fields are in a TLayout FireMonkey RSP-27086
FMX Form No FormMouseMove Events FireMonkey RSP-27065 always shows a TCheckBox as checked when style activated FireMonkey RSP-27351
TCameraComponent can capture up to 8 times faster FireMonkey, FireMonkey\Components RSP-10592
[FMX] TListViewItem.Index is not updated after inserting new items FireMonkey, FireMonkey\Components RSP-15387
At design time, controls stored into a TGridPanelLayout are wrongly resized. FireMonkey, FireMonkey\Components RSP-17073
[Android] OnKeyUp and OnCloseQuery handlers are called twice for Back button if Key parameter is not set to 0 in OnKeyUp FireMonkey, FireMonkey\Runtime RSP-11815
FireUIAppPreview infos options must be upgrading for macOS FireMonkey, IDE RSP-30504
Trying to add a OnClick handler to a TSpeedbutton crashed FireMonkey, IDE RSB-3710
TGridPanelLayout added control jump to free cell when clicked. FireMonkey, IDE RSP-27277
Improper installation of Radiant Shapes in Delphi 10.4 FireMonkey, Install\GetIt RSP-29544
IFuture in loop issue FireMonkey, RTL RSP-19425
Android App closes if an exception is raised on Timer:OnTimer-event FireMonkey, RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-16638
Konopka Readme.txt does not list 10.3 Rio Help and Doc RSP-26007
Access Violation on the Project TreeView IDE RSB-3226
Visual glitch when closing IDE IDE RSB-3813
Small realign issue on remote desktop – but still IDE RSB-2946
Tools/Options/Compiling layout issues in dark mode IDE RSB-2725
Test case: Unable to rename ‘xxx.$$$’ to ‘xxx.pas IDE RSB-4267
“_TCHAR maps to” option shouldn’t be empty ( it should have default Unicode etc…) IDE RSB-4254
Component Structure incredibly slow IDE RSP-21611
Empty areas of listboxes stay black IDE RSP-28432
Multiselect Projects gets slower and slower IDE RSP-28704
IDE opening links in webbrowser IDE RSP-28252
Delphi 10.4 keeps crashing in debug mode when opening files in IDE IDE RSP-29869
FireMonkey Form Blacked Out in IDE when Windows comes out of sleep IDE RSP-29350
[DelphiLSP] Code insight still has problems in Delphi 10.4 IDE RSP-29225
Ctrl + espace : message error coreide270.bpl IDE RSP-30035
IDE Crashes on closing a modified file (IOTAEditWriter no longer valid when closing an Editor) IDE RSP-29441
Right click context menu very slow to appear in code editor window when connected via a remote desktop IDE RSP-29631
crash when close IDE 10.4 IDE RSP-29141
C++BUILDER – IDE toolbar locking feature NEEDED. IDE RSP-28089
IDE takes several minutes to open with custom components IDE RSP-27975
“disconnected session” exception when trying to debug code IDE RSP-27982
Errors when compiling linking deploying for Android IDE RSP-27594
Deployment window target combo box loses the Build Configuration IDE RSP-27327
Access violation when trying to copy an component Firemonkey. IDE RSP-17777
IDE is slower than 10.2.x and lots of flickering, blurring going on when themes are enabled IDE RSP-21722
Begin – end block auto completion keeps adding end’s when enter is pressed IDE RSP-32085
“Empty”/”Non” SDK selectable IDE RSP-32123
Appearance Default Style combo does not show all selected options by default IDE RSP-32007
Error Compiling/Building an Android-Projekt IDE RSP-32102
Code Editor Status bar items are not aligned vertically (same way) IDE RSP-31936
Help Insight search edit box and desktop layout combo are not properly aligned vertically IDE RSP-31934
Text in search edit boxes has incorrect vertical alignment IDE RSP-31940
TPanels changing layout size when I open the file. IDE RSP-31460
IDE freezes for no apparent reason IDE RSP-31505
Delphi IDE Project Settings issue IDE RSP-31632
Synchronization of method parameters fails IDE RSP-31559
Debug Layout Not Saved IDE RSP-18842
IDE crashes after several changes between themes IDE RSP-19577
Strange Code Insight Issue IDE RSP-21057
Project options: Column widths of property values are not saved IDE RSP-32388
weird error in ide IDE RSP-32136
IDE menus too small on high dpi monitors IDE RSP-31257
Multiple lines selected in editor + mouse wheel scroll = slow IDE RSP-31239
Find in files does not work properly IDE RSP-31231
components move by clicking on it at design time IDE RSP-31185
Delphi crashed when running my program with the Debugger IDE RSP-30373
Design Editor for FMX Forms opens very slowly IDE RSP-30235
TFrame inserting problem not all frames are available to insert IDE RSP-30266
[TwineCompile 5.2]: [Pascal Error] CodeGear.Cpp.Targets(2948, 5): „dcc” ending code 1. IDE RSP-30882
Error when executing in debug mode IDE RSP-30861
IDE crash during startup Socket error 10065 IDE RSP-30849
Startup error at any project, when additional editor (View menu -> New Edit Window) is opened and saved as Desktop Layout IDE RSP-30790
IDE buttons, checks and controls hidden IDE RSP-30100
Empty space for Toolbar on 4k display IDE RSP-30513
Unit files not sorted in project pane IDE RSP-30499
IDE debug and object inspector IDE RSP-30772
The font zoom slider that should appear on the status bar of the code editor is not there IDE RSP-30763
Using Deleaker debuggin from IDE IDE RSP-31763
A Component Name Allready Exists. IDE RSP-31393
Unknow Reason close IDE IDE RSP-30986
New LSP CodeInsight (Ctrl+Space) not displaying any results IDE RSP-30951
Allow adding any new Platform for projects – regardless of existing platforms list in dproj IDE RSB-1656
IDE Monitor position keeps changing IDE RSP-12283
Some settings are missing when importing with “Migration Tool” IDE RSP-20142
Add ability to ctrl-click on ‘inherited’, the way you can for identifiers IDE RSP-10217
Load Desktop IDE RSP-23918
[Migration Tool] “Environment Variables” not migrated IDE RSP-17951
manage paths; add button “delete duplicate paths” IDE RSP-17192
Absolute directories in Include doesn’t transform to related IDE RSP-23449
Provide function to change and fix line endings in source files IDE RSP-23151
Add ability in GetIt Package Manager dialog to turn it on and off IDE RSP-32301
Add ability to specify xxxhdpi launcher icon for Android platform IDE RSP-14625
[Migration Tools] Settings migration tool should preselect version if only one available IDE RSP-11389
Trunkated German text on SVN config page IDE RSB-1950
Tools/Options layout issues IDE RSB-2623
Project->Info: Wrong background color IDE RSB-2159
Stepping through debugger activates file modified icon IDE RSB-3402
Tools/Options/[..]/”Connection profile manager” layout is too big IDE RSB-2630
QuickEdit outside the screen IDE RSB-2046
Dark theme / white code editor IDE RSB-2768
Various styling issues in sdk manager settings screen IDE RSB-2903
“Remove from project” dialog incomplete dark mode support. IDE RSB-2348
Scrollbar in setting dialog unthemed IDE RSB-2362
Migration tool does not export/import platform SDK settings IDE RSB-3338
C++Builder package description can no longer be modified IDE RSB-2432
Android SDK will not install IDE RSB-2669
Web service wizard should check installed platforms IDE RSB-2475
Cannot add platform (ie: Win64) to project created prior to installation of said platform IDE RSB-1728
German text truncated IDE RSB-1961
German: Welcome dialog has truncated link IDE RSB-2812
Project options treeview selected item is invisible IDE RSB-2613
why scroll bars on the connection profile manager setup ? IDE RSB-2732
strange layout height and scroll bar on the SDK Manager option box IDE RSB-2731
Screens with different resolution and scaling break context menu positioning IDE RSB-3268
INTAIDEThemingServicesNotifier is not called when the editor theming is changed via the title bar menu IDE RSB-2515
Empty context menu in Tools/Options -> device manager IDE RSB-3032
[Migration Tool] Settings for DifferenceViewer and MergeViewer failed IDE RSB-1605
Tools/Options/[..]/”recently used” has unnecessary vertical scrollbar IDE RSB-2625
Tools/Options/[..]/deployment/Win32 has unnecesary vertical scrollbar IDE RSB-2631
Tools/Options/[..]/”FireUI preview” has unnecessary vertical scrollbar IDE RSB-2626
Tools/Options/[..]/HTML formatting page has unneeded vertical scrollbar IDE RSB-2628
German: Text on button truncated IDE RSB-4281
Welcome popup checkbox text truncated IDE RSB-4278
Option dialogs combo boxes change value when accidentally mouse wheel scrolling over them IDE RSB-4276
Not readable text in Search for unit window IDE RSB-4325
[Regression] Changing focus from tree to list in options panel IDE RSB-4324
[DelphiLSP] Regression – Unit completion in uses clause does not work in console application projects IDE RSB-4321
VCL Style resets to Windows when editing project options IDE RSB-4392
“paclient” exited with code 1. IDE RSB-4409
In Denali sdk manipulation error IDE RSB-3955
Values of project-options are out of sight IDE RSB-3671
Wrong appearance of the option dialog IDE RSB-3502
[Help Insight] Resource string value is missing IDE RSP-15805
[REGRESSION] Editor tab does not indicate units opened while debugging IDE RSP-24484
The project view is missing the resize headers IDE RSP-21718
Android SDK setup automatically chooses very old build tools IDE RSP-21979
Ctrl+Click can not find the first unit in a uses list IDE RSP-31529
C++ Class Explorer is not supported for the current Target Platform IDE RSP-31614
noexcept keyword doesn’t highlight in the IDE’s editor IDE RSP-26156
tVirtualImageList on frame – cannot link to image collection IDE RSP-23437
Code Completion not work with clang IDE RSP-25520
COM items aren’t in the right place in the File, New… dialog IDE RSP-24185
Navigator Parser Error IDE RSP-23933
Form popup menu “Add Control”, instead add Button, add rzButton. IDE RSP-23489
Code Insight is not working IDE RSP-25966
Help not found for F1 in message window IDE RSP-20701
Problems with Code Insight -> Code Completion ( Ctrl + Space ) IDE RSP-25601
IOTAModuleInfo.ModuleType returns omtForm for units IDE RSP-20687
IOTAComponent.SetPropByName always sets an integer to zero IDE RSP-20895
error insight false positives: units that do not resolve but compile IDE RSP-20986
Code completion for implementing an interface only shows one version of overloaded methods IDE RSP-24734
German texts truncated IDE RSP-21804
Access violation if you move the mouse while closing an editor tab (easily reproducible) IDE RSP-23110
C++ Builder Code insight(intellisense) Doesn’t Work (when keymapping changed) IDE RSP-21747
Various errors when using Navigator IDE plugin with big sources IDE RSP-24210
GetIt text truncated IDE RSP-24592
IDE Menus don’t work on left monitor [high DPI, scaling?] IDE RSP-14517
The IDE hangs after a reconnect when used via RDP IDE RSP-31206
Saving config settings corrupts project .DPK file IDE RSP-30319
TwineCompile false issue IDE RSP-31725
Pressing enter add a useless end; IDE RSP-31136
Delphi LSP + Find Declaration on “Vcl.Imaging.pngimage” does not work IDE RSP-31127
Error message from DelphiLsp: 413 Operation would block IDE RSP-31073
Text/Pixel fragments in dialogs using “grids” [Object Inspector controls] IDE RSP-31037
LSP unit completion does not limit suggested units IDE RSP-30632
Help insight displayed for the wrong overload of a method IDE RSP-30598
Environment block layout issue IDE RSP-30729
[DelphiLSP] Code Completion auto selection does not respect “scope” priority in drop-down IDE RSP-30195
XMLDOC improperly displaying parameter comments IDE RSP-30690
Cannot import OSX64 SDK IDE RSP-30265
Code editor lists UTF32 as UCS-4 IDE RSP-30642
Can’t find FireUI Preview app for Android on Google Play Store IDE RSP-30380
[CRLF issue] Changing Project Options can modify sometimes the Project source IDE RSP-30715
Palette caption drawing issues when vertical flow layout setting is unchecked IDE RSP-30617
[DelphiLSP] Invoking code insight CTRL + SPACE in a TForm private / public section fails to show available methods IDE RSP-30668
Cannot move from the declaration section to the implementation section with Ctrl+click IDE RSP-30886
Options dialog painting artifacts IDE RSP-30884
Wrong tab order in tools/options IDE RSP-30879
Deployment Confirmation Dialog Infers Files will be Deleted IDE RSP-30858
regression : Ctrl + Mouse Click doesn’t work in many cases. IDE RSP-30833
Project search paths that use BDSPROJECTDIR environment variable show as path not found IDE RSP-30832
Welcome dialog: Warnings for Git remains visible even after Git has been defined. IDE RSP-30827
Project Options-Appearance-Default Style Always Resets to Windows IDE RSP-30824
GetIt personality/product icons are out of date (CX & DX) IDE RSP-30133
DelphiLSP / ErrorInsight at 100% of one CPU Forever (Larger Project) IDE RSP-30714
Bookmarks related crash after closing DUnit test runner IDE RSP-30648
Selected styles not listed in dropdown IDE RSP-30779
Secondary edit window create AV when loading desktop layout IDE RSP-30778
BDS.exe is blocked for 3 minutes IDE RSP-30619
IDE caption bar desktop menu not drawn correctly IDE RSP-30539
Interface/implementation switch error IDE RSP-31355
Palette is not positioning to saved desktop location after debugging IDE RSP-31316
XML documentation is generated in spite of the deactivated option IDE RSP-31298
[floating form designer] 10.4 Sydney IDE fail IDE RSP-31279
Method drop down arrow painted with incorrect theme IDE RSP-31016
Parameters hint not appear IDE RSP-30924
Dragging toolbars make icons disapear IDE RSP-30905
Reopen Menu – Number of projectd – Number of files IDE RSP-28581
[LF in source] Package in a Group Project cannot be compiled after changing package description IDE RSP-28920
CodeInsight in Uses Clause doesn’t find .pas files on Search path, only .dcu IDE RSP-28417
CTRL+SHIFT+ARROW UP does not always jump between declaration and implementation section — for TThread.Resume IDE RSP-28514
LSP shows incomplete list of available methods (‘class procedure’) IDE RSP-28346
LSP ErrorInsight is not aware of unit alias IDE RSP-28384
Help Insight fails to show hint when hovering mouse over enumeration IDE RSP-29918
[10.4 L10N ALL] When setting an editor theme, the color scheme is lost IDE RSP-29070
Unable to read the list box header at Option IDE RSP-28480
Maximize IDE on a (bigger) second screen does not fill the whole screen and swaps the position of the ID when running F9 IDE RSP-28937
Go to declaration on RTL units only works when they are fully qualified IDE RSP-28879
Code Insight unit name filtering broken IDE RSP-28899
Welcome dialog shows “Hg executable not found” even after one was selected IDE RSP-28438
Group text in project options unreadable in dark mode IDE RSP-28390
the class key word before procedure lead to code completion Cannot display IDE RSP-29243
Code completion insert’s a wrong “end” IDE RSP-29264
ErrorInsight does not work at all in large project IDE RSP-30055
VersionInsight Git Commit screen unusable with Dark Theme IDE RSP-29512
[DelphiLSP] Ctrl+click to navigate to ancestor method does not work IDE RSP-28584
Access violation on breakpoint IDE RSP-28394
[LSP] LSP server not responding. Sending restart. IDE RSP-29911
Code Insight (Option Auto invoke) fail (LSP) IDE RSP-29827
Win64 debugger shows ??? IDE RSP-29637
DelphiLsp.exe – ECreateProcessError + GetIt IDE RSP-29182
panel for speed change option in property editor is outside the screen IDE RSP-29139
White area Add To-Do Item IDE RSP-29137
run IDE c++ 10.4 crash after migrate settings IDE RSP-29126
Access violation at address 7C7C4D50 in module ‘IndexerService.dll’. Read of address 00000000. IDE RSP-28682
“Find Declaration” won’t work if inline vars are used IDE RSP-28892
Directories Dialog: Listbox uses wrong text color for selected item IDE RSP-28064
#13 alone make the breakpoint lost IDE RSP-28156
Mouse Wheel does not work in Custom Style check list in Project Options Dialog IDE RSP-28024
Very difficult to see text, when dark theme IDE RSP-26976
c++ CLang code complete IDE RSP-26652
Migration Tool Does Not Import Closed Project IDE RSP-27078
Context menu of Delphi is too small IDE RSP-27669
Android compile taking really long time. IDE, IDE\Build System RSP-26151
editor bugs IDE, IDE\Code Editor RSP-29930
Code insertion is messed up when using TTask [pressing Enter inside an anonymous method] IDE, IDE\Code Editor RSP-14879
Debugger breakpoint misalignment with inconsistent line endings IDE, IDE\Code Editor RSP-20830
Auto completion fail and put code in the wrong place [CF/LF Related] IDE, IDE\Code Editor RSP-20047
event implementation placed in wrong place IDE, IDE\Code Editor RSP-28454
Numerous issues with code insight IDE, IDE\Code Insight RSP-29392
Error Insight closes way to fast IDE, IDE\Code Insight RSP-29671
F2048 Bad Unit Format for System.dcu IDE, IDE\Code Insight RSP-29613
Crash on unit completion IDE, IDE\Code Insight RSP-31839
Hanging Environment 10.2 Tokyo on code completion usage IDE, IDE\Code Insight RSP-24025
Code Completion don’t work in class function IDE, IDE\Code Insight RSP-30238
Bad code detection is not working properly IDE, IDE\Code Insight RSP-31388
Delphi LSP / Testproject to simulate blocking in large projects IDE, IDE\Code Insight RSB-4401
[DelphiLSP] LSP Code completion fails in the interface part of TForm IDE, IDE\Code Insight RSB-3640
[DelphiLSP] Code completion stops working (inside {$IFDEF UNICODE} block) IDE, IDE\Code Insight RSP-31486
[DelphiLSP / PasMgr] Inline variables break code navigation IDE, IDE\Code Insight RSP-24096
Code completion failure after Repeat … until ; block IDE, IDE\Code Insight RSP-31155
LSP Not Working IDE, IDE\Code Insight RSP-31043
Fail to load package with LIBSUFFIX AUTO (When there’s no .dproj file) IDE, IDE\Code Insight RSP-30820
Code insight does not work within a class IDE, IDE\Code Insight RSP-31318
IDE crash on Ctrl+Click LSP navigation IDE, IDE\Code Insight RSP-30947
Code Completion not working IDE, IDE\Code Insight RSP-30896
“end of file.” annoyingly inserted IDE, IDE\Code Insight RSP-28709
[LSP] Ctrl + Click on units in uses section only works for fully qualified unit names IDE, IDE\Code Insight RSP-28494
[DelphiLSP – completing possible method overrides] Serious code completion issue IDE, IDE\Code Insight RSP-29334
Code location failed and Code hint missing [DelphiLSP, class method] IDE, IDE\Code Insight RSP-30039
[DelphiLSP] CodeCompletion does not list all overloads IDE, IDE\Code Insight RSP-29979
[LSP] Delphi reports F2040 Seek Error on ‘..\Dcp\XXX.dcp’ at line X (X:Y) IDE, IDE\Code Insight RSP-29722
Serveur LSP error IDE, IDE\Code Insight RSP-29969
Migration Tool will prevent RAD Studio from functioning by corrupting IDE state IDE, IDE\General RSP-10294
C++ Android application with receive push notification enabled crashes at start IDE, IDE\General RSP-26468
Changing resolution+DPI over Remote Desktop causes screen corruption, crashes IDE, IDE\General RSP-12881
Installing Navigator in 10.4.1 corrupts Navigator in 10.3.3 IDE, Install RSP-30817
automatic upload PAServer on Linux fails from 19.0 to 20.0 IDE, Install RSP-26090
The GetIt server cannot be reached when installed with the offline installer IDE, Install RSP-29072
WSDL Import Error with Nested xsd Types IDE, SOAP RSP-23529
[DE] String truncation IDE, Translation RSP-14870
Crash in TImageCollection when creating duplicate category IDE, VCL RSP-31557
Migration Tool Restore does not automatically scroll to last line & missing settings Install RSB-3423
Migration Tool Fails with Access Denied Install RSB-3343
Getit: Radiant shapes version 1.2 but it installs 1.4 Install RSP-32124
Bonus KSVC 6.2.3 was installed without RaizeComponentsVCL.a libraries Install RSP-25723
GetItCmd.exe List command only lists local packages Install, Install\GetIt RSP-31351
Missing German translations in platform manager Install, Translation RSB-1947
The TVirtualImageList component is missing vcl.virtualimagelist.obj file Linker RSP-29532
Programs which compiled and linked in 10.2 now generate an OMF link error in 10.3 Linker RSP-22890
ilink64 error “unresolved external” when using boost::thread Linker RSP-26036
Linker error after new iOS 14.2 update Linker RSP-31746
IOS Linking : Failed to set locale to ??2I? Linker RSP-30295
Updateing to iOS to 14.0 Linker RSP-31049
Object files and PATHS don’t exist for some 3rd party GetIt packages Linker RSP-30135
Delphi forces wrong binary into APK Linker RSP-27025
weak symbols not recognized in macos 11/iOS14 SDK PAServer RSP-31766
Linker error after Using iOS 14 PAServer RSP-31014
[Regression] std::function is allways moved on copy assignment RTL, RTL\C++ RSB-3439
std::is_nothrow_constructible_v not defined for variadic arguments RTL, RTL\C++ RSP-31465
the ” std::terminate()” method does not have the “[[noreturn]]” attribute RTL, RTL\C++ RSP-31586
Some math functions are not included in libraries RTL, RTL\C++ RSP-26199
Access violation after throw (after FP code) RTL, RTL\C++ RSP-25906
std::map::operator[] not standard compliant RTL, RTL\C++ RSP-24212
“Std :: initializer_list <>” bug for “std :: stuple” RTL, RTL\C++ RSP-30863
<stdatomic.h> doesn’t compile with bcc32c / bcc32x RTL, RTL\C++ RSP-31694
bug std::promise RTL, RTL\C++ RSP-31740
The _dup2 function does not exist in io.h RTL, RTL\C++ RSP-28015
std::future reports all exceptions as “unknown exception” RTL, RTL\C++ RSP-27115
After upgrading to 10.3.3 std::map is required to be assignable RTL, RTL\C++ RSP-27095
[C++][CLANG][EH] std::current_exception() always returns null. Causes exception propagation to lose type data. RTL, RTL\C++, RTL\C++\Exception Handling RSP-11426
Catching C++ Exception Fails if Linking w/ Dynamic RTL (or ‘aborts’ if thrown from Package) RTL, RTL\C++, RTL\C++\Exception Handling RSP-27255
[C++17] Cannot construct std::optional via “Copy initialization forwarding” RTL, RTL\C++, RTL\C++\STL RSB-3005
[C++] Cannot Copy Initialize ‘std::tuple’ RTL, RTL\C++, RTL\C++\STL RSB-2999
Invalid operator= in the memory source file from Dinkumware RTL, RTL\C++, RTL\C++\STL RSP-29985
Memory leak when utilize TTask in dynamic package library RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-15316
RegEx memory consumption – it copy whole data to resulted match! RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-19506
JSON serialization fails on TDate fields RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-9652
WebApp.TCookie doesnt support the Cookie attribute “SameSite” RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-27386
StorageService.SetObjectACL fails when filename on AWS S3 contains + symbol RTL, RTL\Delphi RSB-2294
TXMLDocument does not suppot UTF-16 on iOS RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-23607
UseResultPointer is incorrect for managed records and arrays RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-17009
TDate in TJSON/Marshalling needs to be checked in addition to TDateTime RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-31425
TTask Stuck and take a very very long time to start RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-15233
Implementation of TRegistryIniFile.ReadSubSections is faulty. RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-20380
CreateGUID returns wrong GUID on Android. RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-20225
Threads do not start (ITask) RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-24103
TThreadPool.TQueueWorkerThread FreeOnTerminate:=True missing RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-20539
EVariantTypeCastError when convert a UnicodeString variant to boolean RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-26610
tReader, ReadString and german Umlaute RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-31215
TXMLDocument (OmniXML vendor) removes space in prolog between “version” and “standalone” RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-31060
“TOSVersion” can’t detect windows Server 2019 correctly RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-30257
TEncoding leaks at OmniXML RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-30766
MacOS App hangs if TNetHTTPClient.OnValidateServerCertificate is assigned RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-31643
TPrivateHeap is no longer thread safe, exceptions if use soap in threads RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-31737
TStringList LineBreak #13#00 not working anymore RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-31761
System.JSON.Serializers.TJsonInlineAttributes is not thread safe RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-31395
Multi-Thread calculation still slow in Delphi 10.4 RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-29497
TThreadPool.TThreadPoolMonitor.IsThrottledDelay broken for many threads RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-28813
Web.HTTPApp ExtractHeaderFields doesnt use DefaultCharSetEncoding and fails with ANSI URL’s RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-28104
Delphi vcl warnings and hints, how to remove them. RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-27453
MXCSR is set to mask exceptions by TryStrToFloat and in some cases is not reset RTL, RTL\Delphi, RTL\Delphi\Arithmetic/Precision RSP-30367
TWinBluetoothSocket – Port not defined for RFCOMM RTL, RTL\Delphi, RTL\Delphi\Bluetooth RSP-20672
ISO8601ToDate fails when the UTC date falls within the TimeZone’s DST period RTL, RTL\Delphi, RTL\Delphi\Date/Time RSP-32067
ISO8601 to TDateTime conversion fails to validate wrong inputs RTL, RTL\Delphi, RTL\Delphi\Date/Time RSP-31399
Possibility to add at generics List duplicated key RTL, RTL\Delphi, RTL\Delphi\List/Collections RSP-31396
Delphi XMLDocument : No mapping for the Unicode character exists in the target multi-byte code page RTL, RTL\Delphi, RTL\Delphi\Net RSP-16675
Memory leak in Linux RTL, RTL\Delphi, RTL\Delphi\Net RSP-21333
Handling Client-side Certificates in HTTPS request for Android OS RTL, RTL\Delphi, RTL\Delphi\Net RSP-20194
ThreadPool create (magic 30 + MinWorkerThreads) parallel tasks only RTL, RTL\Delphi, RTL\Delphi\Threads RSP-24035
Slow Multi-Thread Code Generation RTL, RTL\Delphi, RTL\Delphi\Threads RSP-23466
Delphi Berlin PPL TFuture hangs on WAIT in second instance RTL, RTL\Delphi, RTL\Delphi\Threads RSP-16913
ThreadPool task can wait for 2 minutes before running the task RTL, RTL\Delphi, RTL\Delphi\Threads RSP-30932
HiDpi – Win10 – 4k display – 300% scaling – Styles – Small check box on main menus and popup menus RTL, RTL\Delphi, VCL RSP-30281
GlobalRef leak in TAndroidBluetoothGattCharacteristic.DoSetValue RTL, RTL\Delphi\Bluetooth RSP-31324
Deflate decompression does not work with RESTClient library RTL\Delphi\Net RSP-30486
TFormatSettings.Invariant causes segmentation fault when used with FormateDateTime RTL\Delphi\Net RSP-30964
REST component not work in Android app RTL\Delphi\Net RSP-30944
System.NetEncoding encodes + sign incorrectly in path URL RTL\Delphi\Net RSP-27749
SOAP WSDL Request wrong SOAP RSP-21416
Various bugs in SOAP unit SOAP RSP-16017
SOAP method causes “Duplicates not allowed” error SOAP RSP-16709
Redundant condition in Soap.SOAPHTTPClient.pas SOAP RSP-20812
TSOAPDomConv.ObjInstanceToSOAP not processing ‘Variant’ attribute properties SOAP RSP-15222
Incorrectly imported WSDL definition of the SOAP web service (This is not an importer issue: it’s the SOAP serialization runtime) SOAP RSP-16728
variant array with length = 1 stored in dynamic array can not transmitted by soap SOAP RSP-18313
Float values can not transmitted via soap in variant properties SOAP RSP-18307
TSOAPDomConv.SetObjectPropFromText problem parsing Cardinal SOAP RSP-15791
“redéfinir les blocs” = “écraser les blocs” Translation RSP-26325
tRzGroupBar component scroll issue when using VCL Styles VCL RSP-30007
Konopka TRzButtonEdit causes TToolbars to truncate in Delphi 10.1 Berlin VCL RSP-15757
[TCustomListView ] Stream read error VCL RSP-20010
TToolBar does not draw disabled images when using TVirtualImageList in DisabledImages property VCL RSP-32298
Darkmode Windows VCL RSP-30307
With Screen scales higher than 100%, TCustomGrid.DefaultRowHeight/RowHeights is too small, also TDBEdit.Height VCL RSP-30980
Canvas.TextRect VCL RSP-26238
Bug in TActionClientLink.IsImageIndexLinked VCL RSP-20205
TPageControl.SetTabIndex activates wrong page when some tabs are hidden VCL RSP-17662
Edge does not work with new WebView2Loader.dll from Microsoft Nuget Gallery VCL RSP-31427
Divide By Zero with 0 width/height column1/row1 VCL RSP-31536
Parameter missing in DrawText in Vcl.Themes.pas VCL RSP-31978
Konopka controls “Hot Track Color” not VCL style aware VCL RSP-17032
Transparent RzRadiobutton on Doublebuffered RzToolBar rendering problem VCL RSP-16680
Dropdown calender of TRzDateTimePicker ignores style VCL RSP-16772
TGroupBox and TRadioGroup font color ignored VCL RSP-13801
Winapi.GDIPOBJ doesn’t clean up resources when used inside a library VCL RSP-20946
TCustomImageList draws disabled images in a bad quality. VCL RSP-21274
Mem leak in TRzColorEdit VCL RSP-24327
TControlItem.AssignTo is not complete and forgets about Col/Row span values VCL RSP-31270
TBitBtn ignores TImageList, if custom styles are active VCL RSP-31724
Range error in TCustomStyle.PaintBorder in Win64 platform VCL RSP-30272
PopUpMenu Style not working when Focus is in TCombobox VCL RSP-31147
FindDialog – CustomStyles – CloseDialog – OnClose is not called VCL RSP-31121
TBitmap.LoadFromStream raises wrong exception message VCL RSP-31054
TCardPanel – deleting the end TCard moves activeCard to the first instead of last card VCL RSP-31038
TBitBtn does not keep the new image when Kind is set to bkClose and ModalResult is in mrNone VCL RSP-30880
TListView produces exception EListError with message ‘List index out of bounds (0)’ VCL RSP-30781
Invalid Form.OnResize (dispatched to children controls) with custom VCL Style used VCL RSP-30138
Themed TScrollBar goes wrong VCL RSP-30114
Themed TButton with bsSplitButton doesn’t respond to BCM_SETSPLITINFO message VCL RSP-30460
Property Font in TSpeedButton not working VCL RSP-30755
TListView – CustomStyles (Carbon) – Disabled control not painted correctly VCL RSP-30538
Setting PageControl.TabIndex selects the wrong page if some pages have TabVisible:=false VCL RSP-31323
TJpegImage not detecting FF D8 FF DB / ÿØÿÛ format in CanLoadFromStream VCL RSP-31280
Edge Browser cache system should be revised VCL RSP-28837
Closing a VCL form with a TMainMenu item leads to a memory overwrite in TFormStyleHook VCL RSP-29745
TFormStyleHook.WMSize crash when MainForm isn’t assigned VCL RSP-29913
DPI Scaling of TActionMenuBar VCL RSP-29912
missing files (Vcl.DBLookup.hpp for WIN64) VCL RSP-29907
TRzCheckBox check box wrong size at design time VCL RSP-29903
TBitBtn don’t work with TVirtualImagesList and Styles VCL RSP-29606
Remove library hints and warnings from the library supplied with Delphi. VCL RSP-27457
TCategoryPanel do not properly handles SubComponents VCL, VCL\Additional RSP-19256
TLabel on TCategoryPanel/TCategoryPanelGroup does not repaint VCL, VCL\Additional RSP-15955
TGridPanel-Customizing VCL, VCL\Additional RSP-10064
Collapesed TCategoryPanel is wrong height in high dpi VCL, VCL\Additional RSP-27210
Vcl.Direct2D – small bug in tDirect2DBrush.Assign? VCL, VCL\Core RSP-24441
‘Argument out of range’ exception on a styled VCL application with a THeaderControl control. VCL, VCL\Styles/Themes RSP-30412
TStatusBar Text not centered vertically when using VCL Styles VCL, VCL\Styles/Themes RSP-30449
VCL Themes – Flicker when resizing. VCL, VCL\Styles/Themes RSP-30639
TTabSheet control “randomly” adds/removes Explicit* properties depending on if a tab is activated at design time VCL, VCL\Win32 RSP-13679
TCategoryPanel FExpandedHeight not DPI Scaled if collapsed VCL\Additional RSP-31540